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运动外套?Sports coats?

她爱好体育。She loves sports.

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他爱好体育运动。He is fond of sports.

他热衷于体育运动。He is keening on sports.

他是否喜欢团队运动?Does he like team sports?

有些人喜欢运动。Some people enjoy sports.

支持运动队。Support the sports teams.

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他曾经是一个体育运动爱好者。He was once a sports buff.

我喜欢体育摄影。I like sports photography.

我喜欢体育频道。I like the sports channel.

宇航员做运动。The spaceman plays sports.

体育消费观。Consumption view of sports.

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你喜欢极限运动吗?Do you like extreme sports?

他对体育运动感兴趣。He is interested in sports.

我们都喜欢室外运动。We all like outdoor sports.

白袜子是用来运动的。White socks are for sports.

大家都知道我喜欢运动。You can tell I love sports.

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都是室外运动吗?Are they all outdoor sports?

作为一集体育处置者。As a set of sports disposer.

你喜欢看体育节目吗?Do you like sports programs?