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今天我向你们承诺。I promise you toady.

我今天没什么可讲的。I have nothing to say toady.

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伪君子谄媚者和醉鬼。Hypocrite and toady and inebriate!

虽然今天是星期一,但是保持你的工作热情。Be passionate about your work although toady is Monday.

不谄媚奉承有钱或权势的人。Don't toady to or be obsequious to rich or powerful people.

今天的年轻人是待塑造建构的现实根基。The young people of toady are in reality foundations of structures yet to be built.

今天的年轻人实际上是世界待建结构的根基。The young people of toady are in reality foundations of structures yet to be built.

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我们担心孩子们明天会变成什么样子,却忘了他们今天的样子。We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone toady.

今天当你从小镇南部来的时候,你还喜欢饶着高尔夫联络场的感觉吧?Did you like your walk over the golf links toady , as you came in from the south of the town?

像现在我们所使用的茅草屋顶工艺从中世纪以来几乎就没有什么变化。The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages.

葺的,因为它是实行拍马屁已经改变自中世纪以来很少工艺。The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages.

英国的严寒并不能阻止贾斯汀今天的参观因为这是几个月来努力工作和计划的重点。Britain's big freeze can not stop Justin toady as this visit is a culmination of months of hard work and planning.

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如今,专家们相信,将近三分之二的世界人口居住在八十公里的海岸线以内。Toady , experts believe that nearly two-thirds of the world's population live within eighty kilometers of the seacoast.

那种以获取长官欢心为业的人,只是一般普通的官员。对此,我辈人士是引以为耻的。Those men who intend to toady to the boss for keeping their position, they are common officials. To us, we are shame to do so.

从今日起,政府会承担起过去在欧盟监督下,由联合国把握的权利。From toady , the government assumes many of the powers held by the United Nations, with the EU due to take on a supervisory role.

今天在伊拉克纳贾夫城附近,美军证实一架直升飞机在战斗中被击落,两名空军死亡。In Iraq toady near Najaf, the US military has confirmed a helicopter went down during combat operations. Two crew members aboard were killed.

今天真是个好天气,非常高兴能在这里和您们见面,首先我将做一个简单的自我介绍。Good afternoon dear teachers, It's a fine day toady and I am very pleased to meet you here , well , first I'll make a simple self-introduction.

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的确,发展中国家今天可能为了分得中国经济的一杯羹而支持中国,甚至其他的超级大国们也无法忽视中国,但这只是做生意的需要。Sure, developing countries may toady up to China for a seat at the table, and even other superpowers can’t afford to ignore China, but that is business.

几秒之后他说,伯恩斯丁先生,你不希望我,恪守承诺吧,不是么,伯恩斯丁笑了“And a few seconds later, he says "Mr. Bernstein, you don't expect me to keep my promises, do you?" And Berstein laughs like the little toady that he is and says, "Oh, yes!"