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北京最大的批发市场、新发地农产品批发市场的批发商数量昨天减少了30%。The number of wholesalers in Xinfadi Agro Wholesale Market, the largest in Beijing, decreased by 30 percent yesterday.

在化工、石化、汽车、工程、农业和食品加工、纺织品和珠宝方面具有优势。It is strong in chemical and petrochemical, automobile and engineering, agro and food processing, textiles and jewelry.

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基于上述计算结果,进而提出了开发利用甘肃农业生态气候资源的若干建议。Some suggestions about the exploitation and utilization of the agro ecoclimatic resources in Gansu province were proposed.

以江苏东台市为例,运用灰色线性规划的方法对沿海农区农业生态经济系统结构进行优化。Grey linear programming was used to optimize the structure of agro ecological and economic system in Dongtai coastal farmland.

采购产品农业和农业为基础的产品和商品,食糖,原棉,棉籽,大豆,小麦,大麦,玉米,糖,谷类。Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities, Sugar, Raw Cotton, Cottonseed , Soybean, Wheat, Barley, Corn, Sugar, Grains, Meals.

文章还进一步讨论了区域农牧业发展所要解决的科学问题及其开发前景。It also discusses the scientific problems awaiting to be solved in regional agro pastoral development and prospectives of exploitation.

张炎说,比哈尔邦就像中国是一个农业大邦,我们可以共同努力,发展科学建设农业的道路。Bihar is a major agriculture state, just as China is. We can work together for developing scientific methods for establishing agro industries.

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我们要采购蒸发煤,水泥熔结块,工程,铁,海洋,矽石沙子,以农产品为基础的产品和日用品。We want to buy Steam Coal, Cement Clinker, Construction, Iron, Sea, Silica Sand, Cpo , Agro-Products Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities.

我们要采购腰果,农产品和以农产品为基础的产品和日用品,农业和副产物代理商,顾问和谈判者,其他的机器。We want to buy Cashews , Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities, Agriculture and By-Product Agents, Consultants and Negotiators, Other Machinery.

并参考农业土壤学中的含水量分布曲线法解决了干旱盐渍土地区非均质成层土中的毛管水上升高度的测定方法问题。Also by reference to the moisture distribution curve method existing in agro logy a method for measuring the capillary ascension height in stratified ground is developed.

德国非营利机构「救济世界饥瑾组织」捐款五万欧元,提供食物补给品,救济尼加拉瓜偏远地区1,341个家庭。In Nicaragua 1,341 families in remote areas will receive relief food supplies as 50,000 Euro in relief funds come from Welthungerhife, a German non-profit called Agro Action.

嘉劲农业以专业的生产人员,优良的产品质量,良好的市场信誉和周到的售后服务,赢得国内外客户好评。Jiajin Agro specialized production personnel, excellent product quality, good market reputation and considerate after-sale service has won praise at home and abroad customers.

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我们要采购大米,水泥和沙子,植物和动物油,谷粒,农业和副产物代理商,糖,农产品和以农产品为基础的产品和日用品,铁和钢,谷类食品。We want to buy Rice, Cement and Sand, Plant and Animal Oil, Grain, Agriculture and By-Product Agents, Sugar, Agro and Agro Based Products and Commodities, Iron and Steel, Cereals.

农业气候资源的开发利用既包括农业气候资源在时间、空间和强度上的充分利用,也包括农业生态气候工程建设。Exploitation of agro climatic resources included both utilization of agro climatic resources in respects of time, space and intensity, and agro ecoclimatic engineering construction.

三星堆考古发现以百科全书式的文化内涵,展示了古蜀内陆农业文明的辉煌。The archeological discovery of Sanxingdui has encyclopedic cultural meanings, representing the inland agro cultural refulgence of Ancient Shu and thus draws the attention of the world.

烟草霜霉病孢囊非凡的繁殖能力和独特的对世界不同地理气候区域的高度适应性,是病害广泛传播和迅速发展的关键因素。The extreme propagation capability and high adaptability power to the world agro climatic regions of tobacco blue mold sporangia play an important role on the dispersal and development of the disease.

因此,来自北京大兴区和河北、山东的蔬菜价格最先受到影响”,新发地农业批发市场主任谢蕾说。Therefore, the prices of the vegetables coming from Beijing's Daxing district and Hebei and Shandong provinces have been affected first, " said Xie Lei, director of the Xinfadi Agro Wholesale Market."