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解决了厨房的油烟扩散及污染问题。Our kitchen products solve the problem of lampblack pervasion and pollution.

本发明公开了一种背光模块及所使用的扩散板结构。The invention discloses a negative phototropism module and its pervasion plate structure.

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二里头城市文明的聚集效应和辐射效应。The congregativeness and pervasion effects of the city caused the quantum jump of Xia civilization.

利用不同的盐类、在不同浓度下,采用三相扩散法,生长了高质量的微纳米天青石晶体。High quality micro-nano-celestite crystals were grown by pervasion method under different conditions.

研究认为在润滑涂层与手套之间存在着相互扩散和缠绕的结合方式。The study considered that there were pervasion and twist manner between lubricant coating and gloves.

文学艺术审美是感性直觉和理性直觉的相互渗透和结合。Aesthetics of Literature art are the pervasion and combination of the perceptual intuition and the rational intuition.

生物力学是机构学、生物学、力学、医学相互交叉渗透形成的边缘学科。Biomechanics is an interdisciplinary formed by the mutual pervasion and cross of mechanism, biology, mechanics and medicine.

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因此,溶解渗透对钙芒硝盐岩的力学特性有着极大的影响。So, it can be concluded that solution pervasion has great effect on mechanical characteristics of calcium thenardite rock salt.

渗层的形成主要是依靠渗剂颗粒之间毛细管的毛细吸附作用,加上基体金属液和渗剂元素之间的互扩散作用。The form of composite layer depends on capillary among the infiltrate grain and pervasion between liquid metal and infiltrate element.

在我国经济转型时期,市场经济体制对教育领域的渗透要求教育体制发生相应变革。In the transition economy of China, the pervasion of the market economy system to education requests that the educational system changes accordingly.

引入气体扩散模式预测事故影响范围,根据毒负荷标准在事故影响区内划分危险区。The text imports gas pervasion mode to forecast the accident influencing areas, then compartmentalize danger zone on the base of poison load standards.

结论加强了对数字内容的安全防护,快捷有效地防止了机密数字内容的泄漏和扩散。Conclusion operation log auditing and tracking, finally the leaking and pervasion of confident digital content in company and organization is prevented.

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KFP算法可模拟产生系统的故障扩散运行图,预测和定位故障源,在实际工程得到了较好地应用。The KFP algorithm can simulate faults and create the system fault pervasion chart, it can also forecast or detect fault and have been applied in practice.

软实力竞争是经济、信息全球化所促生的文化和意识形态的渗透与控制。Soft power competition is one kind of pervasion and domination of culture and ideology, which is brought about by the globalization of economy and information.

我们现正处于一个各种学科综合交叉的时代,各学科间的相互合作和渗透已经成为科学发展的一个总体趋势。We are now in an inter-disciplinary integration era, the pervasion and cooperation among disciplines has become a general trend for the development of science.

针对西部极端微生物资源开发,从川西北高寒草地野生花粉中分离耐高渗的酵母菌株。In order to exploit the biological resource of extreme microbiology, high pervasion strains were Isolated from the pollen of Alpine grassland in northwest Sichuan.

法治建设能否成功,不仅取决于有利的法治社会环境,更有赖于法治精神对社会的渗透程度。当前我国法治建设最缺撼的是法治精神。The success or failure of legal construction depends not only on the favorable socially legal environment but also on the pervasion of legal spirit to the society.

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与传统的故障定位算法相比,它是一种新型的正向思维匹配算法,结合了传播代价,定位更加准确。Comparing with the traditional fault detection algorithms, it is a late-model straight thinking and matching algorithm and detects more nicety with the cost of pervasion.

老子对“生”与“死”进行了初步探讨,对生死之间的渗透与转化关系作出了深刻思考,建立了具有自然主义色彩的生死观。In his preliminary exploration of life and death, Laozi reflected deeply on their mutual pervasion and transformation and established a naturalistic view of life and death.

水环境中的有机污染物含量复杂,其扩散迁移过程更是一个由多种因素共同影响作用的复杂的非线性过程。The content of organic pollutants of water environment is very complex and its pervasion and transference is complex and non-linearity process by effect of multiple factors.