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最好的办法就是重新武装自己,展现全新的自己。The best way is to rearm themselves and their own new show.

美国应该允许日本拥有核武器!The United States should just allow Japan to rearm itself with Nukes!

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测试袪除武装在须要重整武备从此不断变得明白。The attempt to disarm continued after the need to rearm became apparent.

而进入这一地区后,抗议者们在彻夜长燃的篝火前组织起来,并重新武装。Inside, protesters regroup and rearm around bonfires that burn through the night.

他的多数同僚希望利用这个“我们的时代”来尽快地重新武装起来。The majority of his colleagues wished to utilize "our time" to rearm as rapidly as possible.

雷诺甚至必须完成雇佣兵任务来得到足够的短期资金以修补和装备他的部队。Raynor has had to resort to occasional mercenary work just to garner enough funds to repair and rearm in the short term.

以色列说,他们的目的是制止哈马斯向以色列发动火箭攻击,而他们的长远目标是阻止哈马斯重新武装。The aim, Israel says is to stop Hamas rocket fire into Israel and in the longer-term keep Hamas from being able to rearm.

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以色列声明只有当哈马斯停止所有的火箭发射到以色列并且不能改善装置才会停止对抗。Israel has said it will halt its offensive only if Hamas halts all rocket fire into Israel and the group is unable to rearm.

世纪轰炸机拥有引人注目的破坏性潜力,不过这种飞机当然还是必须在轰炸间隙返回基地补给弹药。The Century's destructive potential is remarkable, though naturally the craft must return to base to rearm in between bombing runs.

斯里兰卡那次是一次失败而“幼稚”的斡旋,双方战士在停火期还重新拿起武器,大开杀戒。This last has been criticised as naive, leading as it did to a ceasefire that allowed the combatants to rearm before the killing resumed.

萨帕特罗政府对这一宣布斥之以鼻,称它只不过是该组织在经历数月挫折后争取时间,重新整合、重新武装的分离主义伎俩。The Zapatero government scoffed at that announcement, calling it a separatist gambit to buy time, regroup and rearm after months of setbacks.

法国计划失败后,又通过艾登计划最终将德国重新武装纳入大西洋联盟框架。Then, the failure of the Pleven Plan provided Britain an opportunity to initiate the Eden Plan and finally rearm Germany in the Atlantic structure.

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华盛顿方面支持以色列的要求,认为在可持续的停火达成之前,哈马斯重整军备和将走私品偷运入加沙地带的能力必须被明确。Washington supports Israel's demand that Hamas's ability to rearm and smuggle contraband into the Gaza Strip needs to be addressed before a sustainable cease-fire is put in place.