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淘汰一些。Eliminate some.

这样就可以消去其中一个so you can eliminate.

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关掉背景音乐。Eliminate background music.

它想要消除浪费。It wants to eliminate waste.

我们真的能断除它们吗?But can we really eliminate them?

删除不需要的表和数据Eliminate unneeded tables and data

开始剔除不必要的事情。Start to eliminate the unnecessary.

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故曰无以人灭天。Guyue eliminate days without people.

有助于减少和消除粉刺。Help reduce and eliminate comedones.

怎麽样才能根本地解除罪报呢?How can we ultimately eliminate sin?

点画彻底消除它们。Stipple thoroughly to eliminate them.

我们并不想完全消除不平等。we don't want to eliminate inequality.

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怎样才能排除低调的情绪?。How can ability eliminate low-key mood?

我们来看看如何消去它So let's see how we can eliminate time.

消灭人克扣人的现象。Eliminate the exploitation of men by men.

除去你拖延的缺陷。Eliminate your procrastination pit-stops.

你生活中的压力将会消失殆尽。You will eliminate stress from your life.

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规定时间内消除一切杂念。Eliminate all distractions for a set time.

排除让你对上帝分心的一切。Eliminate whatever distracts you from God.

因此必须消除这类型的服务。So you must eliminate this kind of services.