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结论IP是有一定增殖活性的良性肿瘤。Conclusion IP is a proliferous benign tumor.

它有大量的小血管,增殖迅速。It has many little blood vessel, proliferous and rapid.

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怎样防止手术后疤痕增生?。The scar after how preventing an operation is proliferous?

以后形成修补现象,出现神经胶质细胞增生。Form later repair a phenomenon, occurrence nerve is colloid the cell is proliferous.

手腕真皮组织出现硬块,手术后为什么重复又增生?Artifice derma organizes occurrence nugget, why to repeat after the operation proliferous?

一般认为,恶性肿瘤发生前,几乎均先有异型增生。Think commonly, before malignant tumor happens, almost all first discrepant model proliferous.

增殖税出口退税是与出口补助有同理的效果,扩大了中国出口。Proliferous tax exports drawback is and export subsidies have the same effect, expanded the export.

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目的探讨DNA倍体及细胞增殖活性在肿瘤诊断上的价值。Objective To evaluate the value of DNA ploidy patterns and proliferous activity in tumors diagnosis.

老年人易长癌生瘤,也都是增生性病变。SenileThe person grows cancer easily to give birth to tumour, also be proliferous sex pathological change.

骨髓中红系细胞显著增生,少数可出现巨幼细胞改变。Red department cell is remarkable and proliferous in marrow, minority can appear gigantic young cell change.

目的评价DNA倍体及细胞周期分析在乳腺肿瘤诊断上的价值。Objective To evaluate the value of DNA ploidy patterns and proliferous activity in diagnosis of breast tumor.

怎么治疗腰椎尖盘突出和骨质增生?有没有什么食疗的办法?。How is remedial lumbar pointed dish highlight and is bone proliferous ? The idea of what dietotherapy to have?

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为什么癌细胞可以无限增殖,而正常细胞的增殖受什么限制?。Why cancer cell is OK and infinite proliferous , and what restriction does the hyperplasia of normal cell accept?

有增生性改变的人,不一定就产生疼痛等症状。Have the person that proliferous sex changes, do not wait for a symptom sorely with respect to generation certainly.

请问有什么药物可以有效的治疗骨质增生?是腰椎的骨质增生。The remedial bone proliferation with what OK and effective remedy to have excuse me? The bone that is lumbar is proliferous.

主要是皮肤角质异常增生变厚,使毛孔出口堵塞,皮脂无法顺利排出,变成了粉刺。Basically be skin cutin unusually proliferous thickening, make pore exit jams, leather fat cannot successful eduction, became acne.

目的研究金雀黄素抑制人乳腺癌细胞株体外增殖作用的机理。Objective To study the mechanisms of inhibiting proliferous effect of human breast cancer cell line treated with genistein in vitro.

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银屑病是一种慢性T细胞介导的炎性和增殖性皮肤病,近年来有关银屑病的治疗一直是个令人困惑的问题。Psoriasis is a chronic T-lymphocyte mediated inflammatory and proliferous skin disease, and its treatment is still a puzzled problem.

红细胞系增生活跃,但骨髓增生程度与贫血程度缺乏明显的平行关系。Red blood cell is proliferous and active, but the parallel with medullary and proliferous degree and anemic rate apparent lack concerns.

零部件配送、物流信息服务等增值服务仍处于探索和尝试阶段。But some proliferous services such as accessory distribution, logistics information services are still in the phase of exploration and attempt.