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电动自行车有很多优点。E-bike have superiorly.

四是把品牌做优。Fourth, makes superiorly the brand.

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边界清楚,上部层面具有小的实性部分,部分钙化。It has a well defined periphery with a small, solid component superiorly , which is partly calcified.

在暴露前列腺的前面时,必须向上推开腹膜。To expose the anterior surface of the prostate, it is necessary to displace the peritoneum superiorly.

恢复内饰和外饰也变得容易与有效的化学选矿男生优越。Restoring interior and exterior trim is also made easy with Chemical Guys superiorly effective Dressing.

用一个宽的、可伸缩的拉钩将腹膜向上牵拉,然后轻轻将膀胱压向后方。A wide, malleable blade is used to retract the peritoneum superiorly and to gently displace the bladder posteriorly.

相互之间的胜负关系,深足以两胜占优,保级希望很大。The victory and defeat relations, the deep two victories occupy sufficiently superiorly , the echelon hoped that is very big.

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带花起防滑作用,工人干活手上有汗,优越于光滑的。Is Wounded in battle the skid resistant function, the worker works in the hand to have the perspiration, Superiorly in smooth.

MRI显示左侧小脑半球囊性肿块,可见上部不规则实性部分,不均匀强化。MRI shows a large cystic mass in the left cerebellar hemisphere with a solid, irregular component superiorly which enhances inhomogeneously.

五子棋人机对战,这是一段能够计算出最优走法或较优走法的源程序,很好的。Gobang man-machine to war, this is a section can calculate superiorly walks the law or superiorly the walking method source program, very good.

切尔西在两队的过往战绩中占优,利物浦在斯坦福桥球场获胜的次数更是寥寥可数。Chelsea occupies superiorly in two teams passing successes, Liverpool the number of times which wins in the Standford bridge field is very few may count.

上赛季他们与同样取得56胜,但因为交锋战绩不占优而屈居该赛区第二位。On the season they with obtain 56 victories similarly, but because the confrontation success does not occupy superiorly occupies this contest area second.

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三亚榆海海景大酒店依山傍海,环境优美,交通便利,与市中心相邻。The hotel superiorly sits by the mountains and borders on the coastline, enjoys sound environment and traffic conditions, connects to the downtown center.

在有些情况下,发现这条动脉首先向上弯曲,然后形成拱形越过肾静脉或是肾静脉的一条分支,最后才向下行走。In some cases, the artery can be found to initially angle superiorly and arch over either the renal vein or one of its branches before proceeding inferiorly.

实验结果显示,融合后的图像质量有了明显改善,而且几何融合法优于代数融合法。The extensive experiment results show that the algorithm greatly improves the image quality and the geometrical merging performs superiorly to algebraic merging.

因此,语文教材的练习系统在此方面设计质量的优劣,也就直接关系到语文教育的效果。Consequently, whether the exercise system of Chinese textbooks can be designed superiorly in this aspect has an important bearing on the result of Chinese education.

升腭赝复体是用来将此类思者的软腭往后、往上推至接触到侧及后咽喉壁以完成其咽喉壁关闭。The palatal lift prosthesis push the soft palate superiorly and posteriorly to assist the soft palate in effecting closure with the lateral and posterior pharyngeal walls.

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比赛使用英雄是由俱乐部在魔兽四大种族中各选出的一位组成,另有两个人气英雄优宣讲会现场由观众投票选出。The hero roles used in the competition were selected respectively in the Warcraft Game. The other two human spirit hero spoke superiorly in the scene voted by the audience.

通过切除颈静脉突和迷路下骨质分别自后、外、下和上方显露颈静脉孔。The jugular foramen can be exposed after removal of the mastoid process and the petrous bone under the labyrinth superiorly and by resection of jugular process posteriorly.

比精原细胞瘤质软,而且色彩更多样化,从红色到褐色,再到棕色,可见明显的出血和坏死。There is a rim of normal testis superiorly. The tumor is soft and much more variegated than the seminoma, with red to tan to brown areas, including prominent hemorrhage and necrosis.