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尽管我对所有这一切一无所知。All those things which I so studiously knew nothing about.

安倍已然刻意地压制了一场关于提升消费税的争论。Mr Abe has studiously suppressed a debate about raising the consumption tax.

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它是一份用心制作的个人、机构、公司、产品或服务的个性轮廓图。It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.

其他一些人则为布朗募资和祝福,故意不去深究布朗的确切计划。Others, however, contributed funds and good wishes while remaining studiously ignorant of Brown's exact plans.

美国政府刻意避免把中国称为威胁,而且高调评价中美近期政治会谈的重要性。American officials studiously avoid calling China a threat and stress the importance of the recent political overtures.

1998和1999年,敬业的熊向投资者怀疑股市的估值,并且把股市的抬高叫做看不懂。In 1998 and 1999, studiously bearish investors questioned stock market valuations and called the run-up in stocks unsustainable.

他仿佛极力挑剔她的各种弱点,尽量残酷地从精神上折磨她。He seemed studiously to seek out all the tender spots in her consciousness so as to inflict on her the cruellest wounds possible.

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但是保尔森的财政部一直在竭力避免使用有法律涵义的属于“货币操控”来指责中国。But Hank Paulson’s Treasury studiously avoided accusing Beijing of “currency manipulation”, a term that carries legal implications.

在公司创业阶段,他不断研究市场上其他公司的电池技术,拆解其产品研究工作原理。When he started out, he studiously examined other battery technologies on the market, dismantling rival products to see how they worked.

尽管波音对中国能否坚持WTO条款,禁止导致市场扭曲的各项补贴心存疑虑。它和空客都谨慎礼貌地对这家新对手的前景表示看好。China sticks to WTO rules banning market-distorting subsidies, both it and Airbus are studiously polite about the prospect of a new rival.

美丽永远是女人的一宗大事业,有人说红颜易老,傻女人们都在做无用功。Beautiful forever is a woman's big enterprise, some people said that the young person easy old, the silly women to be doing not studiously.

主要是由于“精神方面的原因”,南希•马诺斯五年前开始自己在家里教育孩子,并从此以后有意避开公立学校。Largely for "spiritual reasons," Nancy Manos started home-schooling her children five years ago and has studiously avoided public schools ever since.

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要求学生们努力学习,笃信真理,执着的追求真理,坚持真理,成为对社会有贡献的人才。He required his students to learn studiously , to be religious about truth, to labor for truth, to persist in truth and to be a useful man to the society.

公共服务部门正期待着一次即将到来的大规模加薪,加薪将很快被执行,但与此相适应的更为严格的业绩标准,将被有意忽视。The civil service is expected shortly to be awarded a huge pay rise, which will be swiftly embraced, along with tougher performance standards, which will be studiously ignored.

中国的三聚氰胺引起愤怒,但美国消费者和政府机构故意疏忽美国自身食品系统的三聚氰胺。For all the outrage about Chinese melamine, what American consumers and government agencies have studiously failed to scrutinize is the place of melamine in America's own food system.

从法国皇帝讲话时温和、平静和友好的声调判断,巴拉瑟夫坚信他希望和平,是愿意谈判的。Judging from the studiously composed and amicable tone of the French Emperor, Balashov was thoroughly persuaded that he was desirous of peace, and intended to enter into negotiations.

玩具兔子,玩具老鼠和胡萝卜都试过了,在“可能"情况中用了具有挑衅性的自然法则和别的故意地跟随它们。Toy rabbits, toy mice and carrots were all used, with some defying the laws of nature in the 'impossible' conditions and others studiously following them in the 'possible' conditions.

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在谈话的余下时候,卡勒杰刻意避免批评这些项目,他在斟酌用词时,往往身体前倾,轻轻摇摆,双手紧扣搁在脸前。For the rest of our conversation, Kalej studiously avoided criticizing the deal, often leaning forward and rocking slightly with his hands clasped before his face as he weighed his words.

我们那么激烈所争论的大多数提案将对我们的生活方式只有很微小的影响,尤其是与我们如此特意所忽视的种族的、地区的和社会的差异相比。Most of the proposals we argue about so ferociously will have only marginal effects on how we live, especially compared with the ethnic, regional and social differences that we so studiously ignore.