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反魔法护罩不再消耗符能。Anti-Magic Shell no longer costs Runic Power.

死亡缠绕现在耗费40符文能量,原为50。Death Coil now costs 40 runic power, down from 50.

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一位恶魔的先驱者,引导符文力量和给与快速的武器攻击。An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering rapid weapon strikes.

增加了生产符文治疗药水符文法力药水注射器打包药水的数量。Quantity produced by recipes for Runic Healing and Mana Injectors has been increased.

从第5世纪英语语言被在使用盎格鲁-撒克逊人北欧古字母表如尼字母的全部字母中首先写作。The English language was first written in the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc runic alphabet, in use from the 5th century.

在冰霜打击这部分,一直用冰霜打击直到没有符文能量。在这期间也借助白霜的触发去施放凛风冲击。During the FS section, Frost Strike until out of Runic Power. Use Rime procs to cast HB during this time as well.

寒冬号角现在无消耗。并且增加10点符文之力,现在有30秒的冷却时间。Horn of Winter now has no cost and grants 10 runic power in addition to its stat buff, but has a 30 sec cooldown.

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厄运骤降触发时候,用来治疗可以比制造伤害多得到20符能。When Sudden Doom procs, you are able to gain 20 runic power if you choose to use it to heal instead of doing damage.

实现新的遗产,新游戏,第四个符文槽,这将使更加独特而强大的传奇项目。Achieve new Legacies, new titles, and a fourth Runic slot that will make Legendary Items even more unique and powerful.

如果你能随着音乐产生思想脉动,去体味这份精神遗产,感受那份舒缓而神秘的欢乐。Soothing, mysterious and joyous, the music moves you through the moods of Runic realm connecting with our spiritual heritage.

我认为你将看到这两个技能消耗固定的符能并召唤固定时间的生物。I think it's likely you'll just see both abilities as flat runic power costs that summon a creature for a flat period of time.

消耗符能的技能通常会是固定的数值,在修改天赋或是铭文前通常是20点、40点或是60点。Runic Power abilities will cost a set amount of Runic Power, usually 20, 40, or 60 RP before modification with talents or glyphs.

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石像鬼和虫群互换位置。石像鬼伤害增加每次扣的符文能量减少。Gargoyle and Unholy Blight have swapped talent positions. Gargoyle's damage has increased and runic power cost per time has decreased.

死亡骑士经常被描述为魔兽世界黄金一个无赖在装甲钢板由于其使用符文能量及其损伤处理能力。Death Knight is often described as world of warcraft gold a Rogue in plate armor due to their use of runic energy and their damage dealing ability.

一部分玩家确实喜欢符文及符能系统,并且我认为公平的说,要玩好这个职业需要相当的技巧。Some players really enjoy the rune and runic power mechanic, and I think it's fair to say that the class requires a good amount of skill to play really well.

死亡骑士建立循环的最后一个方面就是要懂得不同天赋下,全部符文冷却时,符能的最佳利用方式。The final aspect of building a rotation for Death Knights is to understand the best usage of Runic Power for your spec so that you can cover rune blackouts to best effect.