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论文包括前言和正文六章。It includes preamble and six chapters.

开头和结尾提供标准的设置。The preamble and epilogue provide standard setup.

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好的,这就是一点儿关于课程的前言。OK. That takes care of the administrivia preamble.

第一个序言,每个条约都能找到。First there is a preamble. That's found in every one.

“协议”,其含义与序文中所作界定相同。"Agreement" shall have the meaning defined in the preamble.

第一部即点明,往后的一切发展。The first book is really a kind of preamble to everything that follows.

作为导言,有必要陈述该理论的一些公设。As a preamble , it is necessary to state some assumptions of the theory.

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序文提出疑问,本论剖析疑问,定论处理疑问。Preamble question, body, analyze the question, word processing question.

这个脚本的前面部分将重用您之前使用的多个变量。The preamble of the script will reuse many of the variables you used earlier.

POCSAG码的格式由一个序言和一个或多个批次的码字。The POCSAG code format consists of a preamble and one or more batches of codewords.

宪法序言是成文宪法的重要组成部分。The preamble to a constitution is an important component of a written constitution.

“我明白了,他还不够成熟,”雅各布的妻子开门见山地说。"I see he isn't quite ripe yet, " Jacob's wife said with her predictable lack of preamble.

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因而导言内容包含了质量体系法规目的意义的真知灼见。Thus, the preamble contains valuable insight into the meaning and intent of the QS regulation.

然后采用最佳序列联合变换域处理的方法进行信道估计性能分析。Then the proposed preamble and transform-domain processing method are combined to estimate the channel.

这篇铿锵的应工人要求的檄文在四个居住区引起了不同反响。This extraordinary preamble to the worker's demands was received differently in four different quarters.

突发模式传送系统中,前导字作为系统开销降低了数据传送效率。The preamble signals used as overhead decrease transmission efficiency in burst-mode transmission system.

在符元时间侦测上,提出的方法可以在未知先导讯号编号的情形下在时域上估测。The proposed method of symbol time estimation can be designed on time domain without known preamble index.

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导论部分是对列斐伏尔的生平加以简单介绍并阐释本文的研究角度。In the preamble , it gives a general introduction about Lefebvre and discusses the research aspects of the thesis.

耳朵要扎上好几个耳洞,身上想要纹上奇花异物,代表着时尚的前言!Ears to tie up quite a few ear pierced, tattooed on who want exquisite foreign bodies that represent the preamble of fashion!

而是在于在出现复制的两个方法之前显示的先兆。It's the preamble that appears before this code in the two methods where the duplication occurs. The first is shown in Listing 2