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这个系蓝丝带的篮子是给你们的。But the one with the blue ribbon is just for you and Zachary.

南卡罗来那国民警卫队的扎卡里·托马斯称该演习任务非常艰巨。Zachary Thomas, with the South Carolina National Guard, says it was tough.

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扎克瑞?斯洛比格获得了伯克利加州大学新闻学院的硕士学位。Zachary Slobig is a graduate of UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism.

现在,这个国家又有了一位新的战斗英雄“老扎克”--扎伽利.泰勒将军。The country had a new military hero now. "Old Zach" -- General Zachary Taylor.

萨克利‧莱柏曼于1977年生于芝加哥,目前生活和工作于纽约。Zachary Lieberman born in 1977 near Chicago, currently lives and works in New York.

然而,对于多伦多FC的新秀,17岁的杂克·海柔德来说,情况却完全相反。This, however, will not be the case for 17-year-old Toronto FC rookie Zachary Herold.

凯文·史派西、扎克瑞·昆图、保罗·贝坦尼,甚至连黛咪·摩尔都有上佳表现。Great performances by Kevin Spacey, Zachary Quinto, Paul Bettany, and even Demi Moore.

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路易斯•扎克利建议导师和学员在明确关系之前,先确定基本原则。Lois Zachary urges mentors and mentees to establish ground rules before they begin a relationship.

排在其后的是拉瑟福德•海斯、扎卡里•泰勒、比尔•克林顿、马丁•范布伦、安德鲁•杰克逊和小布什总统。Then came Rutherford Hayes, Zachary Taylor, Bill Clinton, Martin Van Buren, Andrew Jackson and George W Bush.

扎伽利.泰勒同时赢得了全国选民的投票和选举人的投票,他成了美国第十二任总统。Zachary Taylor won both the popular and electoral votes. He became the twelfth president of the United States.

扎克利建议,作为学员,最好确立一个流程,安排时间定期接受导师的指导。As a mentee, it's best to establish a process and always have a mentoring date on the calendar, Zachary advises.

几分钟后,当母亲正在厨房里干活儿,烹饪玉米卷的时候。A few minutes later Dena says she was in the kitchen cleaning and cooking tacos for dinner when Zachary showed up.

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他还激烈地指斥札卡理教皇不该为扶立不起,帮他废了墨洛温朝末代国王。And he vehemently censures Pope Zachary for having helped to depose the last of the Merovingians in favour of Pepin.

时代周刊专栏作家找到一种从中国银行购买人民币的方法,参见边栏。TIME columnist Zachary Karabell did find a way into the renminbi via a new offering at the Bank of China. See sidebar.

他支持对扎贾里的决定,但是补充说对于扎贾里这样的低龄儿童,董事会可能会调整制度。He defended the decision, but added that the board might adjust the rules when it comes to younger children like Zachary.

在墨西哥战争中,由查克瑞·泰勒率领的美军于847年2月22-23日打败了由圣·安纳率领的墨西哥军队。In the Mexican War U. S. forces led by Zachary Taylor defeated a Mexican army commanded by Santa Anna on February 22-23, 847.

扎伽利.泰勒将军领导着美国这支军队,他派遣他的军官渡过格兰备河去会见墨西哥官员。General Zachary Taylor commanded the American force. He sent one of his officers across the river to meet with Mexican officials.

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加布里埃尔·格林空军中校与扎卡里·巴尔特欧上尉其时正驾机在佛罗里达的肯尼迪太空中心上空巡逻。Col. Gabriel Green and Capt. Zachary Bartoe photographed the launch from an F-15E Strike Eagle over Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.

但是,按照一年级生扎贾里就读的克里斯蒂娜学区的行为准则,校方表示他们别无选择。But, based on the code of conduct for the Christina School District, where Zachary is a first grader, school officials had no choice.

国会在1849年3月4日结束了它的会期,这一天,扎伽利.泰勒宣誓就职。Congress ended its session on March fourth, eighteen forty-nine, without any progress. Zachary Taylor was sworn-in as president that same day.