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将橙子切半。Cut the orange in half lengthwise.

还有鼻子上长长的纵向伤痕。also a cut lengthwise on the nose.

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他的鼻腔也有一道纵向的长伤痕。His nose also bore a long cut lengthwise.

然后将大葱尽可能的切细。Slice pieces lengthwise as thinly as possible.

然后纵向把火柴切成两长条。Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise.

取来新的内胆,然后将其纵向卷成管状。Take the new bladder and roll lengthwise into tube shape.

在每一侧片的中心画一条纵向丝缕线。Draw a lengthwise grain line in the center of each side panel.

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枕头囊通过折叠网小条做纵长。The pillow pouch is made by folding a strip of web lengthwise.

在一张干净的切菜板上放一片通心粉。On a clean work surface, place one sheet of manicotti lengthwise.

法棍面包纵向切开之后,将切面均匀涂上大蒜和黄油混合物。Halve bread lengthwise and evenly coat cut sides with garlic spread.

将裤子竖着对折,让两条裤腿并在一起,然后平放在熨衣板上。Fold the pants lengthwise to line up the legs, then lay pants on the board.

如果甜薯体圆,则纵切一半于楔形。If the sweet potatoes are fat, cut the pieces in half lengthwise into wedges.

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算法设计是为解决管线的横纵剖面图而设计的。The system algorithm is designed for pipeline's cross and lengthwise section.

休息时,耳朵向前折叠,呈半立耳姿态。When in repose the ears are folded lengthwise and thrown back into the frill.

深槽在装饰线条的上部凸起部分与下部之间的一条纵向槽…A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.

将礼物盒摆在你的面前,沿着盒子长边方向的中心线摆放饰带。With your package in front of you, lay ribbon lengthwise along the middle of the box.

冷却后剥皮,将鸡蛋切成一半并撒上胡椒与盐作为调味。Allow eggs to cool, then peel and slice in half lengthwise and season with salt and pepper.

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染色牛津纺系涤棉纱为经纱,纯棉纱为纬纱交织而成的织物。In weaving, lengthwise yarns are called warp and crosswise yarns are called weft, or filling.

在前中和后中距布边1英寸处分别画一条纵向丝缕线作为前中线和后中线。Draw the lengthwise grain line for the center front and center back 1 inch from the torn edge.

卤牛肉切丝,青江菜整棵洗净直切长条。Julienne stewed beef. Rinse the baby bok choy in stalks, then cut lengthwise into long strips.