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赫兹压服口风。Hz squelch tone.

请注意800赫兹以上的统一性。Note the uniformity above 800 Hz.

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1赫兹等于每秒钟重复显示一次。One Hz equal one cycle per second.

单位为赫兹,分辨率的垂直刷新率。Resolution's vertical refresh rate in Hz.

欧洲的交流电输出频率通常为50赫兹。In Europe, AC is usually generated at 50 Hz.

在美国,这种频率是60赫兹。In the United States, this frequency is 60 Hz.

在1000赫兹的鼠标通常是非常有用的。At 1000 Hz the mouse is usually perfectly usable.

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对于一条拉布拉多寻回犬,结果弄清楚是4.3赫兹。For a labrador retriever, this turns out to be 4.3 Hz.

Hz低通滤波器,确保最佳的低音炮的性能。Hz Low Pass Filter ensures the best possible subwoofer performance.

冲动的频率应该加以管理,范围从5到120赫兹。Frequency of impulses should be regulated in range from 5 to 120 Hz.

赫兹在艺术家的嘴里面安置的一架间谍照像机拍摄的。Hz was shot with a spy camera that was placed inside the artist's mouth.

普海瑞茨以生理反馈训练人们有意识地做这件事,产生8赫兹的脑波。Puharich trained people with bio-feedback to do this consciously, making 8 Hz waves.

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因此,如果驱动频率为60Hz,则金属丝的振动频率将为120Hz。Therefore, if you set the driving frequency at 60 Hz, the wire will vibrate at 120 Hz.

该系统的标准操作电源是115伏60赫兹的电流,它体积相当小,而且很耐用。The system operates on standard 115V 60 Hz current and is relatively small and durable.

赫兹左右的低音过强。对低频以及低频的谐振阻尼不够。Excessive bass around 125 Hz. Poorly damped low frequencies or low frequency resonances.

混响效果参数,对应用到信号的回声的量进行设定,以赫兹为单位。Reverb effect parameter which sets the amount of echo applied to a signal measured in Hz.

该过滤器都是连续可调,并从20赫兹到20千赫两个频带范围。The filters are both continuously adjustable , with a range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in two bands.

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Zevs的82赫兹信号,从技术上来讲,使用了最小频移键控,简称MSK。The Zevs 82 Hz transmission is technically speaking, making use of a minimum shifted carrier, MSK.

这种方法能够得到10ms的不受反射声干扰的数据记录时间,所适应的频率可以低到100hz。This setup can provide a reflection free 10 ms time record and frequency response data down to 100 Hz.

本系统可将风力发电机所产生之变动电压及频率的交流电压转换为固定电压及频率之单相电源。The system can transfer the generator power from varying-voltage and varying-frequency to 60 Hz single-phase source.