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干月桂叶是烹制鲭鱼肉极佳的调味料。Bay leaf is an excellent herb for mackerel.

挪威鲭鱼的捕捞配额快用完了。The Norwegian mackerel quota will soon be over.

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第二天早上,东京的上空飘起了鱼鳞云。The next morning, a mackerel sky hung over Tokyo.

他们捕捞过濑鱼,石斑鱼,马鲛鱼。They had fished for wrasse, grouper and mackerel.

比如说方头鱼、旗鱼、鲨鱼、鲭鱼。Such as tilefish, swordfish, shark, king mackerel.

我常钓鲭鱼和竹荚鱼。I usually catch fish like mackerel and horsemackerel.

一种体型较大的鲭鱼或鲱鱼,微用烟薰和盐腌。A large mackerel or herring, lightly smoked and salted.

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秋刀鱼,新鲜蔬菜,虾酱。Mackerel and fresh vegetables with a shrimp paste sauce.

冻大黄鱼,冻鱿鱼,冻鲈鱼,冻鲭砖鱼。Frozen Yellow Croaker, Frozen Squid, Frozen Sea Bass, Frozen Mackerel.

举办竞赛并开出免费汽车的奖品不过是小钓饵。The competition and prize of a free car is a sprat to catch a mackerel.

另两个协议的签署国较少,管理非洲鳕和鲭鱼。The other two, with fewer signatories, control blue whiting and mackerel.

经过光钓会议上,我们就会陷入一个小的鲹和鲐鱼堆。After a light jigging session, we'd caught a heap of scad and small mackerel.

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箭鱼、鲨鱼、方头鱼、新鲜的金枪鱼排和鲭鱼等。Swordfish shark tilefish fresh tuna steak and king mackerel are the main culprits.

研究了熏烤鲐片的加工技术。The Paper reported the technique for preparation of smoke-roasted mackerel fillets.

箭鱼、鲨鱼、方头鱼、新鲜的金枪鱼排和鲭鱼等。Swordfish, shark, tilefish, fresh tuna steak and king mackerel are the main culprits.

预防心脏疾病,可以食用沙丁鱼,鲭鱼和亚麻仁,从而提高欧米伽-3的摄入。To protect against heart disease, increase your intake of omega-3 – sardines, mackerel and flaxseed.

大货驳每周都满载着鲭鱼鲱鱼前往伦敦,又带着一船客人回来。The hoy went to London every week, loaded with mackerel and herrings, and returned loaded with company.

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鱼鳞天是一种天气现象,经常出现在秋冬季节,预示着冷空气的到来。Mackerel sky is a kind of weather phenomenon which forecasts the upcoming cold air in autumn and winter.

鱼鳞云是一种天气现象,经常出现在秋冬季节,预示着冷空气的到来。Mackerel clouds refer to a weather phenomenon which forecasts the upcoming cold air in autumn and winter.

开始可以每星期至少吃三次鲑鱼、沙丁鱼、鲭鱼和金枪鱼等。Eating at least three servings a week of fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna is a good start.