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寒凉食物。Cold food.

食物是燃料。Food is fuel.

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要品尝食物,不能狼吞虎咽。Savor the food.

不许浪费食物。No wasting food.

粮油食品销售。With food sales.

食物的反击!Food fights back.

阅读食品标签。Read food labels.

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食物六边形图?The Food Hexagon?

食物是配给的。Food was rationed.

我厌恶煎炸食品。I hate fried food.

我喜欢吃湘菜。I love Hunan food.

没有食物和饮用水。No food. No water.

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我最喜欢吃韩国菜了。I love Korean food.

是咸食?Is it a salty food?

那些食物好恶心。That food is nasty.

什么是绿色食品?What is green food?

他问到了热饭的香味。He smelled hot food.

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吃你真正爱吃的。Food you really love.

吃你吃剩的东西。He ate food you left.

我爱吃中餐。I enjoy Chinese food.