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将基线谨记于心。Keep the baseline in mind.

这些是基本的配置文件。These are the baseline profiles.

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在什么时候我会想要创建一个基线?When would I want to make a baseline?

无需校准、无漂移、基线平稳。No calibration. No drift. Flat baseline.

对所有的排版都设置对齐的到一致的基准线上。Aligning the type to a consistent baseline.

做一个初始备份以创建基准线Make an initial backup to create a baseline

关键问题在于逐步提高这一底线。The key is to gradually raise this baseline.

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基本配置是CMDB的快照。Baseline configuration is a snapshot of CMDB.

然而人们都有内在幸福的底线。But people have a baseline of inner happiness.

主线是没有基线的代码线。Mainline is the codeline that has no baseline.

用于计算出相对于基线的差值的接口。An interface to take deltas against the baseline.

根据病历记录确定先前动脉血氧饱和度基线。Determine previous baseline SpO2 from client's record.

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创建并推荐一个新的基线并为流程重设基底Create and recommend a new baseline and rebase the stream

霍华德可以命中底线零度角的跳投,其他时候可以被无视。Juwan Howard can hit baseline jumpers, and not much else.

重新设定消失时间列,以指定基线时间。Re-label the elapsed time column to specify Baseline time.

基线可以从他的储存库工作区中创建。The baseline can be created from his repository workspace.

患者在每次ECT治疗周期后接受基线评估。Patients were assessed at baseline and after each ECT session.

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适合亚洲人的基线特征相似的非亚洲人。Baseline characteristics for Asians were similar to non-Asians.

它使用一组可预测的基线样式来简化版面。It cleans the slate with a set of predictable, baseline styles.

总是有一个要变基的集成基线。That there is always an integration baseline to rebase against.