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有一天,一位英国男士和一位名叫露西。One day, an Englishman and an Englishwoman.

通常英国人在街上是会给你指路的。Englishwoman can indicate the road for you on the street.

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通常英国人在街上是会给你指路的。Usual Englishman or Englishwoman can indicate the road for you on the street.

你只是一个失败的英国女人,写了那么多肮脏的事情却从来没有做过它们。You're just a frustrated Englishwoman who writes about dirty things but never does them.

1960年夏天,这位年轻的英格兰女性来到东非坦桑尼亚的坦噶尼喀湖边。In the summer of 1960, the young Englishwoman arrived on the shores of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania, East Africa.

前几天在马戏团内,我看见一匹马以最快的速度来奔跑,一位英国女骑师单腿地站在马背上。The other day, at the circus, I saw a horse running at top speed, with an Englishwoman standing on one foot on its back.

假如我是个男人,我是不愿跟一个丑八怪似的英国老太婆交往的,即使是书信来往也罢。If I were a man I should wish to hold no communication, not even an epistolary one, with an old fright of an Englishwoman.

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她的阿姨已经过世了,而她和台湾籍的丈夫尚恩正飞往伦敦参加葬礼。Sonia is an Englishwoman whose aunt has died, and she and her Taiwanese husband Sean are flying to London for the funeral.

然后,很多年过去,你从未想起这件事的时候,突然不知道从哪里冒出来一位英国妇女,她收到了你的信。Then when you have not thought about the bottle for years and years suddenly this Englishwoman turns up from nowhere and has read your letter.

谢赫和一名英国女子结婚,有五个孩子,他真诚地相信那帮人是他的朋友,要培养他成为流行音乐明星。Shaikh, who is married to an Englishwoman and has five children, genuinely believed the gang were his friends and were grooming him for pop stardom.

五十年前,在坦桑尼亚的Gombe一个身材消瘦的年轻英国妇女正穿过这里的热带雨林保护区时,她偶遇了一个正弓身在一个白蚁洞前的黑家伙。Fifty years ago, a slender young Englishwoman was walking through a rainforest reserve at Gombe, in Tanzania, when she came across a dark figure hunched over a termite nest.

面对这位悉心照料并爱上了他的护士,他梦见并回想起战前在埃及的时光,那时他爱上了一位美丽的英国女人。As the English patient is tended by the nurse who falls in love with him, he dreams and recalls the time before the war in Egypt when he fell in love with a beautiful Englishwoman.