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这里听起来有点细微差别。This is a nuance.

这里我还想强调另外一个细微的差别。Now I want to stress one other nuance here.

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好,我这里用了一点细微差别。OK, so a little nuance that I'm using there.

这种情况要求更多的差别对待和互相理解。The situation demands greater nuance and understanding.

所以我们的方法,就针对项目本身,非常细微。So our approach is very project-specific and very nuance.

你是否关心假笑和微笑之间的区别?Care to know the nuance between a smirk and a slight smile?

苗语中存在丰富的状词补语,且趋向于丰富、细腻。The complement of descriptive words is very rich and nuance.

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关系的细微差别,很难在网上体现出来。There’s a nuance to relationships that’s hard to capture online.

真相在你平常的生活中发出微弱的光芒,需要从缕缕红尘中窥探。It peeks out in wisps and glimmers through the nuance of your everyday life.

民族解放力量已表现出同样的慷慨社会问题和在处理棘手的细微差别。FNL has shown the same generosity and nuance in dealing with tricky social issues.

经常出现的是,我已经弄明白,但是信息源会不时地改正我或是提醒我有细微差别。Usually I had it right, but sometimes a source would correct me or offer a nuance.

天然丝的细微差别从级联到欺骗辫子卷发成了。The nuance of natural strands become from curls that cascade to braids that beguile.

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“我又能怎么办呢?这是魔法的世界,”帕斯基说,“微妙得很。”"So what should I do? This is the world of magic, " Persky said. "It's all nuance. "

最近当我就这一问题与马克探讨时,他说这个道理再明显不过,根本没有什么奥妙之处。Mark told me there's absolutely no nuance to this issue when I asked him this recently.

不要试着通过电子邮件来解决矛盾,因为它并不能够传达谈话者的语气或情感变化的细微差别。Don't try to solve differences using email, which does not do a good job of conveying tone or nuance.

在混合声中加入了透明度和细节,你很容易感受到电影声轨中的每一个细微差别。Add transparency and detail to the mix and you're exposed to every subtle nuance in a film soundtrack.

毫无疑问,有细微差别的微格式是很实用的,构建它时考虑了有关开发的大致共识和现有的运行代码。Certainly nuance microformats are useful, and build on classic respect for rough consensus and running code.

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现在应当考虑的是这件事复杂性和微妙影响,但对大部分美国人来说,显然还不到时候。There will be a time to think aboutthe nuance and complexity of this event, but for most Americans now is not it.

剪纸工程受到了时尚热情以及这种并不特别的材料的优美和微妙之处的鉴赏的刺激。Paper Cut Project is fueled by a love of fashion and an appreciation of the grace and nuance of this humble material.

原来印碧霞爱慕林涛的正直和勇敢,她的心思被善于察言观色的方志洋猜中。Originally printed brigitte chardonnay love Lin tao integrity and courage, her mind was got nuance Fang Zhiyang guess.