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那么,为什么不咧嘴微笑呢?So why not grin?

阿纳金藏起了他的笑容。Anakin hid his grin.

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我要逆来顺受,忍气吞声强作欢笑。I'll grin and bear it.

西蒙朝她咧嘴一笑。Simon gave her a grin.

她又露出邪恶的笑容。She grinned an evil grin.

你必须强颜忍受。You must grin and bear it.

他歪着脸咧嘴而笑。His face twisted in a grin.

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邪恶的笑容闪过我的脸庞。An evil grin crossed my face.

他又咧嘴一笑。His broad grin flashed again.

他们乐呵呵地跟你打招呼。They'd greet you with a grin.

他笑了,脸上都是皱纹。His face crinkled into a grin.

或者你只是在逆来顺受的工作?Or do you just grin and bear it?

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“说谎,”我咧着嘴笑,回敬了他一句。“Liar,” I shot back with a grin.

非常好的露齿冷笑。鳄鱼,出发吧。Great grin. Crocodile, go for it.

咧嘴一笑是笑给照相机镜头的。The grin is a grin for the camera.

你认识我的朋友埃里森·格林吗?Do you know my friend Ellison Grin?

他露出了熟悉的撇嘴露齿的笑容。He gave his familiar, twisted grin.

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他给我一个有几分戏谑的咧嘴一笑。He gives me a slightly wicked grin.

国际欢笑日,抽出时间来笑一笑。Spare a grin for World Laughter Day.

卡勒布身子往后一仰,面带满足的笑颜。Caleb sat back with a satisfied grin.