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你的年龄。Your age.

她的年龄多大了?What’s her age?

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铁器时代。The Age of Iron.

他已是中年人。He is middle age.

白银时代。The Age of Silver.

他猜对了她的年龄。He guessed her age.

贵庚?May I know your age?

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你猜得出她的年龄吗?Can you guess her age?

他的年龄接近40岁。His age borders on 40.

我叫李静,年龄27岁。My name is li, age 27.

他因年迈而垂头。Age had bowed his head.

老人斑也一一减少。Also reduces age spots.

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我在你那个年纪的时候是在1975年。I was your age in 1975.

我与你同岁。I'm of an age with you.

她谎报年龄。She lies about her age.

风华正茂的年纪。The age of their youth.

他们都是同年龄的人。They are all of an age.

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他们在宾馆吃了午饭。They lunched age hotel.

酒越陈越好。Wine improves with age.

但是在现在这个时代呢?But in this day and age?