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贝蒂娜•路雪是联合国世界粮食计划署的一员。Bettina Luescher is with the U. N. World Food Program.

作为一个足球俱乐部的铁杆球迷,贝提娜所有的能量都来自于拥挤的看台。The devoted fan of a Soccer club, Bettina draws all her energy from a packed stadium.

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这个由德国艺术家贝蒂娜.卡明斯基制作的5毫米高的泰迪熊是世界上最小的泰迪熊。At 5mm tall, this teddy bear by German artist Bettina Kaminski is the World's Smallest Teddy Bear.

这个由德国艺术家贝蒂娜.卡明斯基制作的5毫米高的泰迪熊是世界上最小的泰迪熊。At 5mm tall, this teddy bear by German artist Bettina Kaminski is the World’s Smallest Teddy Bear.

贝蒂娜塞德曼说,“卫生保健是一个不断增长的行业,不只是需要健康护理的专业人士。"Health care is a growing industry, " says Bettina Seidman, "and not just for health care professionals.

这是德国杜塞尔多夫大学的贝蒂娜·鲍丝与其同事所做一项研究的结论。That's the implication of a study by Bettina Pause at the University of Dusseldorf, Germany, and colleagues.

这出小歌剧讲述的是一个名叫贝蒂娜的女孩儿的故事,在剧中她被一个农夫派去照看他倒霉兄弟的火鸡。The operetta is about a girl named Bettina who is sent to take care of the turkeys of an unlucky farmer by the farmer's brother.

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当然也有例外,饮食可以更多的促进男性体内肌肉蛋白的合成。Feeding boosts muscle protein synthesis in men but not in women, note the researchers, who included Bettina Mittendorfer, PhD, of Washington University in St.

贝蒂娜·罗德里格斯·安吉丽娜是为麦凯恩阵营服务的志愿者,她向大家描述了自己三岁时被菲德尔·卡斯特罗那伙人捉住,绑到苏联学校去的情形。Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, a McCain volunteer, describes how Fidel Castro's thugs tried to grab her and bundle her off to a school in the Soviet Union when she was three years old.

最近的研究表明在该年龄段的女性一天的大部分时间里肌肉纤维蛋白的合成比男性要多。There's an exception. Feeding boosts muscle protein synthesis in men but not in women, note the researchers, who included Bettina Mittendorfer, PhD, of Washington University in St. Louis.