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言语行为包括言内行为、言外行为和言后行为。Speech act includes locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.

对言语活动的分析是研究更多言外之意的另一种途经。So the analysis of the speech event is another way for studying more illocutionary acts.

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言内行为、言外行为和言后行为有什么区别?What are the differences among locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act?

言语行为的言外之力在一定程度上是可译的,但等值总是相对的。The illocutionary force of an act is, to an extent, translatable, but equivalence is always relative.

道歉是交际中的一种补救性施事言语行为,也是一种礼貌的社会行为。Apology is, in communicative activities, an illocutionary act of remedy and a social act of politeness.

说话者出于礼貌的缘故,故意违反合作原则中的某些规则,产生言外之意。The speaker deliberately violates some maxims of politeness principle to produce some illocutionary meanings.

翻译要求确保言语行为的施为用意和成事性效果的对等翻译。Translations require equivalence of illocutionary force and perlocutionary effects between Chinese and English.

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这些概念分别是哲学家的言外之意和言后言语行为的概括。These concepts are respectively generalizations of the philosophers' illocutionary and perlocutionary speech acts.

语句的形式和语句的言外之力之间关系的一致是直接言语行为的特征之一。The situation when the form of statement conforms to the illocutionary force of utterances is the indirect speech act.

瑟尔把言外行为详细地分为哪五类?每一类的言外之力是什么?What are the five types of illocutionary speech acts Searle has specified? What is the illocutionary point of each type?

在人与人交往当中,人们总要实施一定的言语行为,满足一定的交际目的。In communicating with each other, human beings always perform illocutionary acts and thus satisfy needs of communication.

取效行为作为施事行为的影响和结果是奥斯丁言语行为理论中一个不可分割的部分。Perlocutionary act refers to the effect of the illocutionary act, and it is an indispensable part of the speech act theory.

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言外之力对等应是此类文本翻译应遵循的原则。To avoid such failure, the authors argue, the translator should observe the principle of Equivalence in Illocutionary Force.

其中,言外行为体现了语言使用者的意图,是言语行为理论和语用学研究的重点。Among the three, illocutionary acts are the focus of the studies, because they are in accordance with intentions of language users.

因此,尽管存在文化差异,交际中的言外之意也是可以理解的。As a result, the illocutionary functions of all human communication are destined to be comprehensible across the cultural difference.

“请求”是一种具体的言外行为,在实施“请求”指令的过程中往往需要选用比较礼貌的方式。For obvious social reasons, "requests"are the kind of illocutionary speech act which are more likely to be performed in a polite manner.

等值概念在翻译史上历来是一个有争议的话题,语用等值追求说话人的言外之意或交际意图的等值,符合翻译的性质。Pragmatic equivalence, ie, the equivalence of the illocutionary meaning or the communicative intention, is in agreement with the nature of translation.

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这两个功能属于以言行事功能,和人际功能一起构成称呼语的社会语用功能。They are the category of illocutionary function, which along with the interpersonal function constitutes the sociopragmatic functions of address forms.

塞尔在言语行为理论的语境中发展出他特有的意向性理论,又用意向性理论来解释语言问题。Searle promotes his distinguished theory of Intentionality in the context of Illocutionary Acts theory, and feed it back to explaining issues of language.

通过对以往语言学家对行事行为的分类的观察,阐述了不同种类的行事行为。Through the observation of the classifications of "illocutionary acts" by different scholars, this paper expounds the illocutionary acts of different kinds.