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巴拉望是人口最少的人种族群,即将灭种。The smallest of the Palawan ethnoliguistic groups, is becoming extinct.

最终在1976年经国有化成为巴拉特石油公司。Eventually become in 1976 by the nationalization of Palawan Special oil.

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菲律宾当局经常在巴拉望省附近拘留中国渔民。Philippine authorities have frequently detained Chinese fishermen near Palawan.

菲律宾的巴拉望岛旁,一只独木舟轻轻划过水晶般的海面。An outrigger canoe glides across crystal waters off Palawan Island in the Philippines.

可以雇用私人空调面包车,1万2千比索可以到巴拉旺任何地方,乘客最多10人。Private Air Con shuttle vans on request. PHP 12000 to any where in Palawan. Max 10 persons.

港务局的目的是使从水路去巴拉望岛比坐飞机便宜得多。According to the PPA, the idea is to make travel to Palawan "remarkably cheaper" than air travel.

苏禄海域与中国南海比邻,仅被狭长的菲律宾巴拉望岛所隔。The Sulu Sea is separated from the South China Sea only by the narrow Philippine island of Palawan.

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这是给科布在1936年他帮助拯救生命的巴拉望土司的儿子。It was given to Cobb in 1936 when he was instrumental in saving the life of a Palawan chieftain's son.

对于提供黄岩岛作为美国海军舰艇补给站一事,政府不能再继续犹豫了。The government should not hesitate to offer the Palawan base for the US naval vessels to station there.

菲律宾巴拉望,在海湾散步区燃放烟火,启动周围圣诞树展览活动。Fireworks light up the sky to launch the Christmas tree display along a bay walk in Palawan city, Philippines.

菲律宾政府证实,下个月将在巴拉望省与美国举行军事演习。The Philippines has confirmed that it is holding military drills with the United States next month in Palawan.

家庭谁拥有决定船舶的珍珠在菲律宾巴拉望群岛和隐藏在一个巨蚌。The family who owned it decided to ship the pearl to Palawan in the Philippine Islands and hide it inside a giant clam.

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菲律宾官员说,海岸警卫队的一支巡逻队星期六发现这些中国人正在巴拉望南部巴拉巴克岛镇附近捕鱼。Philippine officials say a coast guard patrol spotted the Chinese fishing Saturday near the island town of Balabac, in southern Palawan.

对于一个普通的旅游外国或当地流行菲律宾旅游票价将是潜泳某处巴拉望或晚上在苹果。For an ordinary tourist—foreign or local—a popular Philippine tourist fare would be to snorkel somewhere in Palawan or a night's out in Malate.

菲律宾西南的一个狭长的岛屿,婆罗洲的北部,它位于苏禄海和南中国南海的巴拉望通道之间。A long, narrow island of the southwest Philippines north of Borneo. It lies between the Sulu Sea and the Palawan Passage of the South China Sea.

菲律宾海岸警卫队拘留了24名中国公民,理由是怀疑他们在菲律宾西南省份巴拉望的水域非法捕鱼。The Philippine coast guard has detained 24 Chinese nationals on suspicion of poaching in Philippine waters off the southwestern province of Palawan.

就个人而言,我认为这是非常便宜的防晒用品,也是类型,不一定是从国内的努力,使购买巴拉望。Personally, I think this is very cheap supplies of sunscreen, and also the type, not necessarily from the domestic effort to bring Purchased from Palawan.

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另一个岛屿目的地,任何旅客到亚洲,不应该不敢错过,是巴拉望和保,其中世界著名的眼镜猴和巧克力的山丘可以找到。Another island destination that any traveler to Asia should not dare miss is Palawan and Bohol , where the world famous Tarsier and Chocolate Hills can be found.

科布有人在菲律宾,狩猎时,巴拉望地区的巨蚌被检索由潜水员和已知的最大的珍珠被发现。Cobb was raised in the Philippines and was hunting in the Palawan region when a giant clam was retrieved by a diver and the largest known pearl was found inside.

Clemente表示,菲律宾依然是东南亚地区旅游目的地的首选国家之一,这主要得益于国内的热带海滩,尤其是长滩岛、宿务岛及巴拉望岛等度假胜地。Clemente said the Philippines remained one of the top destinations in Southeast Asia because of its tropical beaches, particularly Boracay, Cebu and Palawan island resorts.