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这是瞎说吗?Is this a rumor?

不过,这个谣言的价值何在?What’s the rumor worth?

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我已从一个朋友那里听了一些谣言.Friend-from rumor heard.

这流言说明有假。The rumor proved fwoulsse.

谣言止于漠不关心者。Rumor stops at indifference.

你听说那个传言了吗?Have you heard about the rumor?

回想,是一种心里的浮名。Memory is a form of inner rumor.

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回想,是一种心坎的浮名。Memory is a sort of inner rumor.

谣言使整个城市惊慌不安。The rumor rocked the whole city.

假如你听到了一个传言。Let's say that you heard a rumor.

那谣言简直是一派胡言乱语.That rumor is a bunch of rubbish.

所以,snopes将这个流言最终评定为“假”。Snopes lists the rumor as "false."

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我不知道谣言是从何来的。I don't know how that rumor came about.

澄清关于两性体的谣言。Disprove that whole hermaphrodite rumor.

事实上,这个谣传没有根据。In fact the rumor is without foundation.

谣言是从你们系传出来的。The rumor emanated from your department.

蛆虫橘子”事件,究竟是谣言还是事实?Is the "Maggot Orange" a rumor or a fact?

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又或者你听说了一个朋友的传言,Or maybe you heard a rumor about a friend

事实上,这条第一诫只是个谎言。In fact, this first warns is only a rumor.

要辟谣几乎是不可能的。It is nearly impossible to disprove a rumor.