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进行哲学讨论就是学习如何去死。To philosophize is to learn how to die.

如何才能有爱,如果我们失散的尝试哲学较早。How can there be love if we are separated as you try to philosophize earlier.

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如果你未被烧为灰烬,你将能够激情澎湃的阐明哲理。If you are not burned to ashes, you will then be able to philosophize lyrically.

她的话使他想开了,也许生活并不那么糟糕。Her speech caused him to philosophize that perhaps life is not so terrible after all.

可以肯定的是他不会被允许,在现今许多城市及国家中进行哲思。And he surely would not be allowed to philosophize in many cities and countries today.

可以肯定的是他不会被允许,在现今许多城市及国家中进行哲思。And he surely would not be allowed to philosophize in many cities and countries today.

毕竟是民主哺育了苏格拉底,并允许他自由地进行哲思,直到他七十岁为止。a democracy that produced Socrates and allowed him to philosophize freely until his seventieth year.

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在心脏病的图书是一个非常原始和有争议的论点,即影片本身哲学。At the heart of the book is a highly original and controversial argument that films themselves can philosophize.

哲学基本问题是否存在、哲学基本问题是什么取决于哲学是什么、哲学之本是什么。Whether there is a basic problem in philosophy and what it is hinge on what the philosophy is and how we philosophize.

当代面对人与自然相冲突而导致的各种危机,人们应该进行哲学反思并且寻找对策。On the present age, facing each kind of crisis of the human and the nature, people should philosophize and seek the countermeasure.

尽管只是掌握一些有限的普通知识,但是他们却毫不迟疑地,尤其在为宗教情绪所鼓动的时候,来讨论和批评哲学。With no preparation beyond an ordinary education they do not hesitate, especially under the influence of religious sentiment, to philosophize and to criticize philosophy.

在基督教思想史上,查斯丁最先对基督教原初信仰的哲学化作了尝试,为基督教信仰的理性化开了先河。In the history of Christian thought, Justin was the first to philosophize Christian primeval faith. He was also the first to make an effect of the rationalization of Christian faith.