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爱情贵忠诚,史诚能坚贞。Love ask faith, and faith firmness.

爱情要求信任,信任要求坚定。Love asks faith,and faith firmness.

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爱情贵忠诚,史诚能坚贞。Love asks faith, and faith firmness.

缺乏稳定性或固定性或稳固性的。Lacking stability or fixity or firmness.

让我们运用我们的克制态度和坚定信念。Let us exercise forbearance and firmness.

夜晚,王龙熟悉她的身体,结实而柔软。At night he knew the soft firmness of her body.

你不服从,迫使我这方面更坚定了。Your recalcitrance obliges firmness on my part.

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他是个聪明而又意志坚定的人。He was a man of intelligence and of firmness of will.

恋爱要求忠诚,而忠诚则要求判定。Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. ----Herber.

我心居然再无波澜,好像年少的坚贞只是一场梦。My heart was no waves, like young firmness just a dream.

他以一贯的坚定性和逻辑性谈了他的看法。He expressed his thoughts with customary firmness and logic.

在不同的语言里压低声调可能代表不同的意思,不过在英语里当一个人降低其声调往往是要表现出坚定和权威性。In English, a lowered vocal tone shows firmness and authority.

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在触诊中,医生能够感受到组织的外形及硬度。In palpation, a doctor feels the shape and firmness of tissue.

坚定追求某一目标的性格。The trait of resoluteness as firmness of character or purpose.

坚实度、糖度是评价水果品质的一个重要指标。Firmness and sugar content are critical aspects of peach quality.

但由于存在较多的裂纹,使得干贝的坚实度下降。However, there are more cracks, making the scallops firmness decline.

但是,当月亮升至山脊之上时,它聚足了坚定与威望。But as the moon lifted off the ridge it gathered firmness and authority.

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在保持尾骨和肩胛骨稳定的前提下,向后屈身。Now lean back against the firmness of the tail bone and shoulder blades.

这款去皱霜可以使皮肤更紧致,减少衰老的痕迹。This line eraser can increase skin's firmness and reduce signs of aging.

能把松驰且端面不整齐的卷料重卷为紧实整齐的卷料。This machine can rewind the web from flabbiness to firmness and neatness.