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不要以为这帮人是铁板一块。Don't think this gang is monolithic.

单石结构确保高可靠性。Monolithic structure for high reliability.

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宽带,高摆率,单片运算放大器。Wideband, High-Slew Rate, Monolithic Op Amp.

很重要的一点是,神权政治并非铁板一块。It is also significant that theocracy is not monolithic either.

中国也不像外国人常设想的那样铁板一块。Nor is China’s system as monolithic as foreigners often assume.

为什么你认为微内核优于宏内核呢?。Why do you think microkernels are better than monolithic kernels?

MCS-51单片机的复位是靠外部电路实现的。MCS-51 Monolithic machine reset is achieved by external circuitry.

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纯粹的几何外形出自于真实的材料——整体式的渗透。Pure geometric out of lively material – monolithic with penetration.

模块化,减少较大的整体类路径上的依赖项。Modularization to reduce the dependency on large, monolithic classpaths.

庞大的国企改革必定十分艰难。The reform of the monolithic state-owned enterprises is bound to be arduous.

因而,在SOA中,整体应用被分解成标准化的服务。Hence, with SOA, monolithic applications are broken into standardized services.

任何两个或多个成整块式的墙称为墙的部件。Any two or more walls which are monolithic will be referred to as wall assembly.

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采用光学接触式光刻方式,实现了单片集成0。Contact-mode photolithography was used for realizing the monolithic integration of 0.

介绍一一种用于切削参数实时采集的8098单片机系统。A real time cutting data collecting system with 8098 monolithic processors is presented.

但是这个建筑的对称的设计和庞大的引起了其他的阐释。Yet the building’s symmetrical layout and monolithic scale invite other interpretations.

女权主义、女权主义者和女权主义理论的定义已经不再是单调的术语。The definitions of Feminism, Feminist, and Feminist Theory now are not a monolithic term.

许多遵循宗教传统的人,补充一句,没有哪个宗教传统是完全统一的。Many people in religious traditions, let me add that no religious tradition is monolithic.

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触控屏,数字显示,单片机控制。Touches controls the screen, Digital demonstration, Monolithic integrated circuit control.

平台由整体式柔顺机构、压电陶瓷驱动器和LVDT位移传感器组成。The stage consists of a monolithic flexure hinge mechanism, PZT actuators and LVDT sensors.

每次可装载长度达3米左右的巨石,单块重量可达10T。Each carrying up to 3 meters in length about the huge stone, monolithic weight of up to 10T.