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这给了我们一个教训。T hist aught us a lesson.

倘若我所说的都是真理。If aught I have said is truth.

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这一切给了我们很大教育。All this hast aught us a great de al.

难道我今天所讲的不都是么?Have I spoken this day of aught else?

或是黯淡如冬,我只能如此说。Summer or winter for aught I can say.

有任何你需要保留的东西吗?。And is there aught you would withhold?

他可能很富有,不像我所知道的那样。For aught he knows, we might be in Beijing.

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有奥特我们共同的贪婪寄生虫。Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite.

若我所诉本就是真理,它将更明晰地揭示自己。If aught I have said is truth, that truth shall reveal itself in a clearer voice.

除了嘲讽,不朽应当和人生的有不同阶段一样有着多样性。To be aught but a mockery, immortality must be as manifold as the manifold phases of life.

他们没有时间去追求任何东西,每天就在那里担忧和挣扎,他们没有任何愿望,仅仅希望自己能在死后摆脱痛苦。No time for aught but worry and struggle. No hope of anything but the surcease of sorrow in death.

我只想要你戴在手指上的那枚小戒指。Nor shall I take aught from thee but that little ring that thou wearest on the finger of thy hand.

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除了那在你知识的曙光中半醒半睡的事物之外,没有人能够教给你些什么。No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.

在对兄弟们有任何不满时,虽有谦逊的态度,也无法使我的祈祷、我的冥想让祢接受。请增强我接近祢的努力。Though I come on humbleness and have aught against my brother, my prayer, my meditation, does not rise to Thee.

对比我一无所知,也可能是希腊七智中的哪一个或者他们七个商量后共同弄出来的。For aught I know, it may have been one of the seven wise men of Greece, or a committee of the whole lot of them.

如果我讲到的是真理,那么真理会用更清晰和更亲近你们心灵的话语表达自己。If aught I have said is truth, that truth shall reveal itself in a clearer voice, and in words more kin to your thoughts.

也想不起别的,只是说了一句简练的反对人类灵魂不朽的话,他当时觉得这是无可辩驳的论点。Nor aught else, except a brief, pithy, and, AS it then appeared to him, unanswerable argument against the immortality of the human soul.

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倏忽之间,那声音又变得模糊不清。也许方才听到的不过是宁静无风的夜晚,古老的森林在飒飒低语。The next moment, so indistinct were the sounds, he doubted whether he had heard aught but the murmur of the old forest, whispering without a wind.

第一日愿我能铭记你我邂逅的第一日,第一时,第一刻,它或是灿烂如夏或是黯淡如冬,我只能如此说。The First DayI wish I could remember the first day, first hour, first moment of you meeting me, if bright or dim the season, it might be summer or winter for aught I can say.

结论TT病毒能感染肝及肝外组织,肝外组织中的感染可能与TT病毒的再度感染及在不同人群中的较高感染率有关。Conclusions TTV can infect hepatic and extrahepatic tissues and its infection in extrahepatic tissues aught be responsible for a state of reinfection and higher prevalence in different population.