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你的服务年限使你有资格领取养老金。Your years of service entitle you to a pension.

你的资格使你有权享有较高的薪水。Your qualifications entitle you to a higher salary.

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你这张票不能坐头等座位。This ticket doesn't entitle you to travel first class.

你这张票不能坐头等位。This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class.

这张票不能使你享有坐头等舱的资格。This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class.

凭此券你可以得到两张参观博物馆的免费入场券。The token entitle you to two free admission to the museum.

这里,我想以“执行多样化军事任务的中国军队”为题作个介绍。I intend to entitle this speech as Chinese Military –a Force for Multiple Military Tasks.

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可做了二等丫鬟之后,就有资格近身伺候主子。Can later doing second class servant girl, entitle to a near body to wait upon a lord son.

这里,我想以“执行多样化军事任务的中国军队”为题作个介绍。I intend to entitle this speech as Chinese Military – a Force for Multiple Military Tasks.

该轮船公司的船票容许持票人在伦敦和巴黎滞留。Tickets of the Navigation Co. entitle the holder to break the journey at London and Paris.

我们自信我们在国际贸易市场的经历能够取得贵司的信任。We trust that our experiences in foreign trade marketing will entitle us to your confidents.

我方相信我们在外贸和推销方面的经验足以值得贵方的信任。We trust that our experiences in foreign trade marketing will entitle us to your confidents.

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什么是除权?除权报价的股票赋予出售者保存分享公司新发股票的权利。Securities quoted ex-rights entitle the seller to retain the right to participate in a New Issue.

他们清楚,单凭自己不但自身难保,而且也不能随心所欲。They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle us to do as we please.

你可以将这段命名为相关经历、工作经验、领导经验等。You may entitle this section Relevant Experience, Business Experience, Leadership Experience, etc.

库拉斯身份的揭晓并不能让德国人把欧内索格之死算在东德头上。The unmasking of Mr Kurras does not entitle Germans to pin the blame for Ohnesorg's killing on East Germany.

她不久后便把她未出版的在中国生活的回忆录命名为“洋鬼子女儿的回忆录”。She would later entitle her unpublished recollections of her life in China, Memoirs of a Foreign Devil's Daughter.

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目前的法律法规赋予教师太多的责任和义务,但权力却很少。It said that current laws and regulations entitle much obligation and responsibility to teachers, but too few rights.

从未,然而,持牌人将是给权在第四契约年以后享受授与证书者的这样服务。In no event, however, Licensee shall be entitle to enjoy Licensor's such services after the of the Fourth Contractual Year.

年轻只有一次,让我们把希望留给芬芳的丁香,如把泪留给海,把风留给海上的帆。Only once can youth be in the life, why not entitle the hope to a lilac, as our tear to the sea, and a gust to sails over the sea.