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科学是国家的最高的人格化。Science is the highest personification of a country.

拟人和禁忌表两个策略被给出。Personification strategy and tabu list strategy are presented.

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“官本位”是自然经济关系条件下,权威的人格化。"Officer standard" is personification of authority in natural economic.

在箴言的第八章和第九章,智慧再次清楚地以拟人的笔法出现。In Proverbs 8 and 9, wisdom again appears in the form of personification.

具体化身总是指示无意识自主自发的活动。Personification always indicates an autonomous activity of the unconscious.

事实上张朝阳是21世纪中国嬉皮的化身。Charles Zhang is practically the personification of hip, 21st-century China.

乐观主义者是春天的化身。——苏珊.J。比索内特。"An optimist is the human personification of spring. " —Susan J. Bissonette.

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这一角色可以说是恐惧的化身——她害怕被人揭穿女扮男装的事实。The character is the personification of fear–fear of being discovered to be a woman.

他是闪避的化身、招架的人格化和躲避的神话。He's the epitome of evasion, the personification of parry and the apotheosis of avoidance.

文学创作是非文学因素的审美性人格化转化。Literary creation is a transformation from non-literary factors to aesthetic personification.

母亲既是严厉的邪恶毁灭者卡利女神,也是印度的一个化身。The Mother referred to is both the stern demon-destroying goddess Kali and a personification of India.

英雄这种人格化形象在历史革命化进程中尽情表演和演绎。The heroic this kind of personification image heartily performs in the historical revolution advancement.

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复仇的神或精灵,是复仇女神的男性化身,经常出现在希腊悲剧中。An avenging deity or spirit, the masculine personification of Nemesis, frequently evoked in Greek tragedy.

作为一种修辞格,呼语常被用在诗歌中,并伴随着示现或拟人的形式出现。As a kind of figure of speech, apostrophe often appears in poetry in the form of vision or personification.

在这里,她研究了培根对自然形象的人格化的,特别是关于性别角色。Here she examines Bacon’s personification of the figure of Nature, specifically with regard to gender roles.

就像在第四梦的那群女人形体,她是活跃的心灵氛围的具体化身。Like the throng of vague female forms in dream 4, she is a personification of the animated psychic atmosphere.

头戴弗里季亚帽的玛丽娅娜是法兰西共和国的人格化,自由的象征。Marianne wearing a Phrygian cap is the national personification of the French Republic, and a symbol of Liberty.

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随时间过去,这样的蛇披上了在多次意识下降中破裂的人类之化身。Over time, such serpents took on the personification of humans that fractured in the many falls in consciousness.

并且将比喻,借代,拟人化和双关语等修辞手法将作为主要研究对象。What is more, some rhetorical expressions, such as metaphor, metonymy, personification and puns, will be examined.

“拟人”以“通感”为其语义构成基础,在英语语言中有着自己独特的语用功效。English personification possesses its special semantic function in English language on the semantic basis of synaesthesia.