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避孕丸、避孕器、避孕剂。A contraceptive pill, device, drug, ETC.

此产品并没有杀精或避孕。This product is not a spermicide or contraceptive.

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有许多避孕法并不可靠。There are many contraceptive method is not reliable.

但是常用的避孕药会影响这个过程。And a common contraceptive may interfere with that process.

这将是男性“内部装置”的第二次避孕药研究。This will be the second contraceptive study of the IVD in men.

平卡斯告诉她避孕药的关键就在于对荷尔蒙的控制。Pincus told her that hormones held the key to a contraceptive pill.

男性避孕目前仅能靠保险套或输精管结扎手术。Condoms or a vasectomy are still the only male contraceptive choices.

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育龄夫妻可以用避孕的方法间隔开妇女的生育时间。Contraceptive methods enable the couples to space out their children.

在研究中,迪亚还给雌性狐猴注射了起到避孕作用的醋甲孕酮。Female lemurs in Drea's study were given the contraceptive DepoProvera.

在研究中,迪亚还给雌性狐猴注射了起到避孕作用的醋甲孕酮。Female lemurs in Drea’s study were given the contraceptive DepoProvera.

1960年美国FDA批准炔雌醇甲醚片作为第一种口服避孕药投入使用。In 1960 the FDA approves Enovid for use as the first oral contraceptive.

桑格和麦考密克认为,女性避孕药可以解放妇女。Sanger and McCormick felt the female contraceptive could emancipate women.

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大多数美国妇女采用避孕措施如避孕丸。Most American women use contraceptive methods such as the birth control pill.

本研究提示T_4是一种有发展前途的男性抗生育药物。The authors suggest that T4 may be developed into an ideal male contraceptive.

如今,全球有超过七千万妇女使用这种口服避孕药。Today, more than 70 million women around the world use this oral contraceptive.

建议用避孕栓来避孕,因为它用法简单。Contraceptive suppositories are recommended by doctors, as they are easy to use.

第三,避孕方法选择不当也会导致宫外孕。Third, contraceptive method can also cause ectopic pregnancy improper selection.

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目的了解三相避孕片的孕激素作用及活性。Aim To study the progestogen effect and activity of triphasic contraceptive tablets.

药物史为服口服避孕药和布洛芬。Her medication list included a daily oral contraceptive pill and ibuprofen as needed.

服用这种药物的雄性猴子精子计数一周内急剧减少。Sperm counts fell sharply within a week of male monkeys being given the contraceptive.