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欢迎来卡利亚里。Welcome to Cagliari.

但这是一个为了卡利亚里队的进球。But it will be a goal for Cagliari.

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和卡利亚里的比赛十分重要。The game against Cagliari is really important.

桑普在主场被卡利亚里1-1逼平,在主场迎战卡利亚里。Samp were held to a 1-1 draw at home against Cagliari.

卡利亚里是我的起点,是我的一切的开始的地方。Cagliari was my starting point, my launch pad for everything.

从卡利亚里取得三分对我们来说将会是非常的重要。The three points from Cagliari will be very important for us.

他将会参观四个城市,包括撒丁岛的卡利亚里。He will be visiting four cities including Cagliari in Sardinia.

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目前我们不想对阵曼联的比赛,只想对阵卡利亚里的比赛。We aren't thinking about Manchester at the moment, just Cagliari.

然而,我们必须小心,卡利亚里不好对付。However, we must be careful because Cagliari are not an easy team.

罗马的管理层增在讨论要引进卡利亚里的球星苏亚佐。Roma management are discussing a move for Cagliari star David Suazo.

和卡利亚里的比赛十分重要。There are two big games coming up, against Cagliari and then Barcelona.

坎比亚索用手阻挡对方的传递,卡利亚里赢得一个25米开外的任意球。Free kick to Cagliari 25 yards out after Cambiasso handles a Rossoblu pass.

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我想挑战下对阵苦手卡利亚里我们会怎样,结果我们爆发了。I want to see challenges so tough against Cagliari that the football bursts.

结束前七天没有人认为卡利亚里将是死里逃生的那个。No one thought that Cagliari could have been saved seven days before the end.

最有可能的是卡利亚里的奇门蒂返回“老妇人”。The favourite is Chimenti of Cagliari who would make a return to the Old Lady.

我们必须在对卡利亚里的这场比赛中取胜重回胜利轨道。We had to win and find back certain automatisms in this clash against Cagliari.

卡利亚里左路反击。达格斯蒂洛传球入禁区,米哈解围!Cagliari attack down the left. Agostini crosses into the box, Mihajlovic clears.

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但是,首先我们要考虑一下对阵卡利亚里的比赛,一次只能考虑一场比赛。However, we have to think about Cagliari first and just take one game at a time.

卡利亚里换了主教练,我们不知道如何识别这支球队。Cagliari has changed coach and we don't know the identity of this team very well.

当阿布出现并打算留下佐拉,却发现他在一周前和卡里亚里签了约。When Zola signs for Cagliari a week before Roman swoops in and wants to keep him.