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谁有祸患?Who has woe?

哥拉汛哪,你有祸了。Woe unto thee, Chorazin!

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你们这瞎眼领路的有祸了。Woe to you, blind guides!

他们同甘苦共患难。They lived in weal and woe.

我们必须同甘共苦。We must share weal and woe.

情形到了十分可哀的地步。Mary's life was full of woe.

不幸降临于可怜的士兵身上。Woe betide the poor soldier.

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他给我们讲述了一段漫长的辛酸史。He told us a long tale of woe.

感到或装作适当的悲伤。To feel, or feign, decorous woe.

如果他作恶,但愿天降祸于他。Woe betide him if he does evils.

三妄为我,祂什么我就好?Woe unto me, unto what am I likened ?

曾历忧伤者方知怜悯他人。He best can pity who has felt the woe.

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无论在顺境逆境,他一直对我忠诚。He was faithful to me in weal and woe.

他告诉了我一个关于他自己的悲惨遭遇。He told me a tale of woe about himself.

在这个国家,我们荣辱与共。In this country, we share weal and woe.

落在他手中的人必无幸免!Woe to the man who fell into his hands!

这世界有祸了,因为将人绊倒。Woe unto the world because of offences!

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唯潸潸泪滴,凄苦的标识!But heavy tears, badges of either's woe.

来为一个已克服的厄难作殿。Come in the rearward of a conquered woe.

善于从同胞的悲痛里榨取欢悦。Extorted from his fellow-creature's woe.