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楼座上的呢?Anyone in the balcony?

圆形大厅东面阳台的摄像头。Rotunda east balcony camera.

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带有阳台的树状洞穴房间。ree-room cave with a balcony.

腊肉挂在露台风干。Waxed meat hanging at the balcony.

给我两张楼厅的票好吗?Could you give me two in the balcony?

阳台临花园而“伸出”。The balcony juts out over the garden.

那个阳台伸出于街道上方。The balcony juts out over the street.

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楼厅的前座还有。The front balcony is still available.

阳台悬于其下方的楼门之上。A balcony overhangs the door below it.

我要一张今晚的楼座票。I want a balcony seat for this evening.

罗蜜欧在阳台上凝视著茱丽叶。Romeo gazed up to Juliet on her balcony.

他们甚至在阳台上开起了音乐会。They even held a concert in the balcony.

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好比他还把他的小孩举出阳台外。Like when he held his kid over a balcony.

请给我张楼厅的票好吗?Could you give me a ticket in the balcony?

您要正厅前排座位还是楼上座位?Do you want to orchestra or balcony seats?

他使旗帜成褶皱状从阳台上垂下。He is draping the banner from the balcony.

你的阳台就可以变成这样一个地方。Your balcony could be the next such space.

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看风景人在楼上看你。The sightseer watches you from the balcony.

每间客房均提供配备写字桌的办公空间。Each room has a balcony and a working space.

阳台自身具有相当的高度,具有敞开的特性。Balcony itself is pinnacled which opens wide.