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干嘛不让基尔斯自己去接她?。Why not let Giles fetch her by himself?

贾尔斯是在他自己的方案参与者。Giles is a participant in his own scenario.

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我说不准贾尔斯真正想要的是什么。I can't say for sure what Giles really wanted.

提到瓦片和砖头,就数大钟圣吉尔斯。Brickbats and tiles, Say the bells of St. Giles 's.

有一次在伦敦,努如的粗鲁是针对贾尔斯。Once in London, Nuru"s rudeness is aimed at Giles."

弗洛伦斯和盖尔斯·乔普林夫妇在司格特十几岁时分居了。Florence and Giles Joplin separated before Scott became a teenager.

“贾尔斯今早来电话了,”米雷拉装作若无其事地说。Giles phoned this morning, " Mirella said with feigned indifference."

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夏兰贾尔斯和艾伦克伦迪宁在马德里促成了这一报告。Ciaran Giles and Alan Clendenning in Madrid contributed to this report.

贾尔斯触发了随后的一系列事件,这些事件最终将以悲剧收场。Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy.

她还从武器专家贾尔斯·杜兰那里学习过自卫和格斗技巧。She was taught self-defense and combat skills from Giles Durane, the Weapons Master.

Tim造访了Veronica的办公室,向她道歉那次在法院没有多聊一会。Tim Giles visits Veronica in her office and apologizes for being short with her at the courthouse.

沿着皇家大道走下去,沿途可见圣吉尔斯皇家教堂、议会大厦和霍利鲁克宫。Walk down Royal Mile, lined with St. Giles Royal Cathedral, the Parliament House, and Holyrook Palace.

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在美国的佛吉尼亚州的贾尔斯县,地方教育委员会在本县学校中移除了十戒的展示。In Giles County, Virginia, the school board has removed displays of the Ten Commandments in its schools.

Giles是一个非常幽默的演讲者,我建议大家看看完整的视频。Giles is a very entertaining speaker, and I recommend watching the whole talk. Here are some entry points

她从阿恩·霍拉达那里学习政治和历史,从武器专家贾尔斯·杜兰那里学习格斗技能。She learned politics and history from Arn Horada, and martial skills from Giles Durane the Weapons Master.

吉尔斯参加了湖人的四场季前赛,平均每场比赛上场7.2分钟,砍下2.0分和抢下2.5个篮板。Giles played in four preseason games with the Lakers where he averaged 2.0 points and 2.5 rebounds in 7.2 minutes.

我们的首席球评家吉尔斯史密斯在他的周三专栏中评述了意外迭起的诺坎普之夜。Fleet Street's premier Chelsea fan, Giles Smith, uses his midweek column to reflect on an incident packed night in Barcelona.

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贾尔斯努力工作来打破壁垒和成功,同时考虑在伦敦,在那里她有一个美好的一天努如时间了。Giles works hard to break down the barriers and succeeds, taking Nuru out for a day in London, where she has a wonderful time.

然而,当公司引进智能电表时,其首要事务之一便是要与顾客做好沟通与交流,吉尔斯先生讲道。Yet communicating with customers should be one of the first things for firms to do when introducing smart meters, says Mr Giles.

该研究项目的带头人为伦敦大学学院极地观测与模拟中心的凯瑟琳·贾尔斯。This research project leader for University of London Institute polar region observation and simulation center Katherine · Giles.