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或者出于对中国军事力量复苏的恐慌?Or fears of a resurgent Chinese military?

重新抬头的民族主义战胜了团结。Solidarity has been lost to resurgent nationalisms.

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一个复兴的中国肯定会有很多方面出问题。A resurgent China will be problematical in a number of ways.

但,又是这昂贵的食品价格和贫困回潮现象,他的连任竞选可能会危险重重。But, again, costly food and resurgent poverty may endanger him.

于是那耀眼的翅膀也变得如血液一样。In the eyes of finned calabar is resurgent became like a blood sample liquid.

戴雷尔告诫各国应保持警惕,以防艾滋病的蔓延势头再度转强。Dr. DeLay cautioned countries to maintain vigilance against a resurgent pandemic.

与复苏的强俄之间潜在的不调和之处似乎还是很明显的。The potential flashpoints for a clash with a resurgent Russia are all too obvious.

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然后在太平洋,也来看看自由世界的国家,我们有一个复兴的日本。Then in the Pacific, looking also at free-world countries, we have a resurgent Japan.

于是,一个统一的南斯拉夫的梦想就这样在复苏的民族主义思想的压力下崩溃破裂了。The dream of One Yugoslavia fell apart under the pressure of this resurgent nationalism.

欧洲的决策者们则在担心欧元的复苏会威胁本国经济的增长。European policy makers worry that a resurgent euro will threaten growth in their own backyard.

交易商称,公债收益率上扬以及油价大涨可能令市场涨势受阻.Traders said rising bond yields and resurgent crude oil prices might give the market some headwinds.

美国共和党16年来最好的一次中期选举结果让他们备受鼓舞。A resurgent Republican Party is basking in the afterglow of its best midterm electoral showing in 16 years.

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大宗商品价格预计将受到来自中国及印度需求复苏的带动,从而提振矿业类股.Commodities are expected to received a boost on demand from a resurgent China and India, boosting mining stocks.

同时,一些正在发展或复兴的实力正在悄悄丰满羽翼,自由获取我们提供的公共利益。Meanwhile, other rising and resurgent powers wait patiently in the wings, free-riding on the public good we offer.

普京将自己定位为这个复苏国家的象征,它正从多年的羞辱与衰弱中逐渐复原。Mr Putin has positioned himself as the symbol of a resurgent nation recovering from years of humiliation and weakness.

说得简单点,印度实质上是在担心一旦美军从这一地区撤离,有巴基斯坦作为靠山的伊斯兰极端分子便会死灰复燃,然后自己就得首当其冲地“品尝”这个中苦涩。Simply put, Indians worry that they'll be left to bear the brunt of resurgent Pakistan-backed radical Islam in the region.

随着全球需求回升,而供应有限,钢厂下个季度支付的铁矿石价格将创出历史最高水平。Steel mills are set to pay record prices for iron ore next quarter, as resurgent global demand butts up against limited supply.

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2010年,纳尼让球迷们惊喜不已。队友费迪南德认为这都是一分耕耘一分收获。Nani has delighted and surprised fans with his resurgent form in 2010, and team-mate Rio Ferdinand it's all rooted in hard work.

印度的信心又回来了。去年,在慕克吉向印度议会作财政预算报告的同时,股市投资者们纷纷下达着卖出指令。India's confidence is resurgent. When Mr Mukherjee stood up to deliver the budget last year, traders hit the sell button as he spoke.

本周末的英超联赛,利物浦将远征白鹿巷,去挑战有复苏迹象的托特纳姆热刺队。Liverpool face another tricky Premier League away match on Sunday when they travel to White Hart Lane to face a resurgent Tottenham side.