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拉环,还有多远?。Griphook, how much farther?

咱们到那座更远的岛上去吧。Let's go to the farther island.

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慧芳跳得比安远吗?。Did Huifang jump farther than Ann?

然后更加尖细、清泠,不断远去!And thinner, clearer, farther going!

当他敲门时,门晃了一下开了。As he knocked, it swung farther open.

随着从更远房间飘出的音乐渐去。Beneath the music from a farther room.

退潮时我涉水出去得更远。I waded farther out as the tide ebbed.

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对有些人来说,征程可能不会远于布里斯托。Some might get no farther than Bristol.

案件仍在进一步审理中。The case still is in farther cognizance.

我们站得越高,看得越远。The higher we stand, the farther we see.

跨越,跨过或跨得比…远。To stride over, across, or farther than.

所以你们将会走的更远、取得更大的成就。And you will achieve more and go farther.

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而土耳其的南部偏远地区却是一片蛮荒之地。But farther south Turkey is on virgin turf.

在南纬地区,日落后晚些时候才降落。Farther south, they set later after sunset.

他知道上面有一个泉眼。He knew that there was a spring farther up.

翤纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。Paper plane fly farther take away my heart.

一片人家的房舍,还有更远处。Far off the homes of men, and farther still.

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运动员如何将铅球投掷的更远?。How does the athlete throw the shot farther?

此案还在进一步审理当中。This case still is among farther cognizance.

不过谢尔曼和艾伦将实验更深入了一步。But Sherman and Allen took it a step farther.