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他亦是一个厚脸皮的煽动家。He is also cheekily provocative.

我承认,这是个令人气愤的标题。I admit, it's a provocative headline.

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挑逗视频竟为宣传人口普查!Provocative Video Is Just For Census!

目前,这是一个挑衅性的要求设置。Now, that's a provocative set of claims.

你的问题不仅仅是挑衅性的。Your question was not merely provocative.

她没有说过特别够刺激性的活。She said nothing particularly provocative.

一个引发争议的过去促成发人深思的未来。A contentious past argues for a provocative future.

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但“空海一体战”可能有过分挑衅的意味。But AirSea Battle could be excessively provocative.

你会感到困惑,难道我说的每一句话都那么煽情吗?You may wonder, didnt I say anything that provocative.

他的挑衅性讲话只能使争论进一步激化。His provocative words only fuelled the argument further.

那件衣服对于一个面试来说有点撩人。That dress is too provocative to wear to a job interview.

他是位爱争论的人,无论休整都不愿想当然。He is a provocative man who takes nothing whatever for granted.

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他经常语出惊人,而且说话挑衅味十足。He often surprising remarks, provocative words and full flavor.

趁无人注意,他在板上贴了具有煽动性的海报。He sticked provocative poster on board when nobody was looking.

图为古巴选手马托斯在袭击主裁判后,仍然进行挑衅。Map of Cuba's Matos in the attack the referee, still provocative.

她挑逗性的姿势非常出位,吸引了大众。Her provocative poses helped her stand out and attract the masses.

他有时候以非常具有挑衅性的方式来挑战我。He's someone that challenges me in sometimes very provocative ways.

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现在各昆曲剧团试图演出有噱头的剧目来争取关注。Now Kunqu troupes are trying to grab attention with provocative shows.

他非常地友好同时还带点儿挑逗性,我似乎坐上了他的大腿上。He was very friendly and a bit provocative . I may have sat in his lap.

他谴责导弹发射是种挑衅,但是并没有采取突然行动。He denounced the missile launch as provocative but made no sudden moves.