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他看起来用心灵感应术将他自己展示给我看。He looked as he had showed himself to me telepathically.

“它能用阿尔法射线通过心灵感应来和我交流。”他解释道。"It uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me, " he explains.

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一个神秘的小孩,他可以和C.C。进行精神上的交流。A mysterious child who is able to communicate telepathically with C.

动物传心术师是被培训以心灵感应与动物沟通。Animal Communicators are trained in listening to animals telepathically.

你也准备好交叉测试你心灵感应所听到的任何引导了。You are also ready to crosscheck any guidance that you hear telepathically.

很多信息是由智者通过心灵感应接收。A lot of this information was received telepathically by specific Wise Ones.

动物传意是一种以心灵感应,以心传心地与动物沟通的方法。Animal communication is a means of communicating with the animals telepathically.

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你也可以用心电感应与我们交流或通过心轮与我们全息交流。You may also communicate with us telepathically or holographically through the heart chakra.

这种映射完成后,用户可以表面上发挥太平洋业务中心傍或俄罗斯方块心灵感应。After this mapping is finished, EPOC users can ostensibly play Pong or Tetris telepathically.

该武器通过心灵感应告知持用者其中所储异能的名称。The weapon telepathically whispers to the wearer the name of the power currently stored within it.

如果你提问,大地也将对你进行心灵感应的回答,也将以光之语与你交流。The land too will speak to one telepathically if questioned, and will communicate in the Language of Light.

非物言物种通过心灵感应来对话,尽管有时候他们应用声音来转换他们的心灵感应。Non-verbal species speak telepathically , although sometimes they utilize sound to transfer their telepathy.

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我的报告是关于节约用纸、用电、和其他资源的重要性。我将以心灵感应的方式将它发送给你。My report is about how important it is to save paper, electricity, and other resources. I'll send it to you telepathically.

安纳金强大的原理技能和对原先种子拍档的联系使它可以和这艘船进行心灵上的沟通。Anakin's strong Force abilities and connection to the original seed partners meant that he could communicate with the vessel telepathically.

安纳金强大的原理技能和对原先种子拍档的联系使它可以和这艘船进行心灵上的沟通。Anakin's strong Force abilities and connection to the original seed partners meant that he could communicate with the vessel telepathically.

你们将与灵性世界的灵魂们心灵感应交流,还有物质的文明,只要你愿意就行,你也可以把你的想法直接显化出来。You will communicate telepathically with souls in spirit and in physical civilizations as you wish, and you will manifest your ideas into forms.

在先进设备的帮助下,人类利用心灵感应“激活”了这个化身,让他像纳美人一样能适应潘多拉的环境。By means of a sophisticated interfacing device, a human telepathically "drives" this avatar body, allowing him to experience Pandora just as the Na'vi do.

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所有的歌都是经由心灵感应被分享,以使得海豚们和鲸鱼们可以在我们协作性的提升和提高振动之旅中适应其他人。All songs are shared telepathically so that dolphins and whales may attune to one another in our collaborative journey of ascension and continued rising in vibration.

身体是一个生物意识的形体,持续与灵魂、或引导者进行通讯,不管这个人是否能心灵感应,听到这样的引导。The body is a form of biological consciousness that has ongoing communication with one's soul and one's guidance whether one hears such guidance telepathically or not.

与她心电感应有点困难,我想因为她不曾期待过我的出现,她只把“电话号码”告诉那些她熟悉的人。I had a little trouble connecting telepathically with her, I think because she was not expecting me to do so, having her "telephone" set to those with whom she is familiar.