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如中遇到的一年历。Such as that encountered in an almanac.

去年的皇历,今年看不得。Last year's almanac is useless for this year.

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去年老黄历,今年看不得。Last years' almanac is useless for this year.

你有没有查通胜的习惯?Do you have the habit of consulting the almanac?

通书上说今天是个吉日,宜出行。The almanac says that today is a suitable day for going out.

许多年来他一直保持著收集旧历书的嗜好。He pursues his hobby of collect old almanac for so many year.

历书里也指出什么时候太阳大偏北或大偏南。The almanac also noted the days when the sun would be far north or south.

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这本年历会告诉你每天该做哪些事情,不该做哪些事情。This traditional almanac tells you all the things you should and shouldn't do on each day.

但Almanac指出,劳工日后的一天,过去15次里道琼工业指数有12次都实现上涨.However, on the day after Labor Day, the Dow has risen in 12 of the last 15 times, the Almanac notes.

通胜皮具手袋制造厂为国内独资手袋制造企业。The almanac skin has the handbag factory for the domestic soleownership handbag manufacture enterprise.

闲暇之时,班尼卡撰写有关宾州、德拉瓦、马里兰和弗吉尼亚的农民历及星象历书。In his free time, Banneker wrote the Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia Almanac and Ephemeris.

第三条本规定所称的地方志,包括地方志书、地方综合年鉴。Article 3. The chorography in these Provisions shall include the local chronicle and the local comprehensive almanac.

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编年史年鉴显示外语方面新的助理教授去年的工资是四万八千美元。The Chronicle Almanac shows that new assistant professors in foreign language earned forty-eight thousand dollars last year.

帝国的历书,是天、地、人三才和谐的权威解释。The Imperial almanac is the authorized exponent of the threefold harmony subsisting in China between heaven, earth, and man.

GPS用户利用导航电文中的历书数据进行卫星可见性的计算和预报。The almanac data in GPS navigation message is used by the user of GPS to calculate and forecast the visibility of navigation satellites.

这份年鉴还记载着太阳南归、北归、望月、涨潮和落潮等天文现象的日期。The almanac also noted the days when the sun would be far north or south, when moon would be full, and when the tides would be high or low.

每年都按时书写自己的年鉴,敷衍地评选出各种不同的诗歌奖项,召开若干次关于诗的专门研究会议。Almanac has been written on time, all kinds of awards have been perfunctorily reviewed, and special conferences of research on poetry convened annually.

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穷查理由这些诽谤性的断言指出,真正的Leeds已经死了,而这份年鉴的作者肯定是冒Leeds之名所作。Poor Richard responded that all of these defamatory protestations indicated that the real Leeds must indeed be dead and his new almanac a hoax by someone else.

从截取和定位多方位的六分仪观测下列程序计算的航海年历由美国海军天文台。Position from intercept and azimuth by calculation for multiple sextant observations following procedures in The Nautical Almanac by the United States Naval Observatory.

天体观测高度是决定天文观测船位的关键变數,而航海者一般都采用航海曆作为查表计算之工具。Navigators usually used the nautical almanac as a tool to obtain the observed altitude of celestial bodies, and it is a key variable to determine astronomical vessel position.