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樟脑在酒精中可以溶化。Camphor is soluble in alcohol.

樟脑的味道使我感到恶心。The smell of camphor makes me sick.

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陈年抽屉放出樟脑气味。The old chest exuded a smell of camphor.

妈妈在衣橱里放上香樟做成的木球。Mother put camphor balls in the wardrobe.

它是用整块樟木做成的,非常珍贵。It's made of a whole piece of camphor wood.

先看看你能买纯樟脑球。First look at can you buy pure camphor ball.

桐油和樟木曾是它主要出口货物。Its chief exports were tung oil and camphor.

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现在的樟树巷里贴了两个大标签。And on Camphor Tree Lane two signs were posted.

樟脑溶于酒精而不溶于水Camphor dissolves in alcohol, but not in water.

樟树包面类似馄饨,但要比馄饨小一号。The Camphor Dumpling is a smaller version of wonton.

杉木和樟木是造龙舟的上好木料。Fir and dragon boat made of camphor wood is good wood.

水使樟脑从其酒精溶液中沉淀。Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution.

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樟坑沿衣柜,床,房间,卫生间,客厅。Hang camphor along the closet, bed-room, toilet, living-room.

我们一拍即合,立刻决定一同搭车去樟木。We hit it off, immediately decided to take a ride to camphor.

衣着被褥不要存放在有樟脑球的衣柜中。Clothes and bedding not stored in a wardrobe in the camphor ball.

但是得告知病人樟脑油可能对皮肤有刺激性。Patients should be warned that camphor oil can irritate the skin.

湖北省是中国樟油的重要产区之一。Hubei is one of the important provinces producing Chinese Camphor Oils.

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之后的某天,我回家时,一棵大樟树吸引了我的注意。Then, one day, I was going back home, a large camphor tree drew my attention.

香樟树又称芳樟、乌樟等,是江南四大名木之一。Camphor Tree, also known Linalyl, Wu-chang, are one of the southern four Naki.

当我抬头第一眼看见那棵香樟树时,绿色就潮湿了我的眼睛。When I first saw the rise of incense camphor tree, the green on my eyes moist.