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而且,porcelaine曾经就是这种软体动物的名称。The name of the mollusk was porcelaine.

珍珠的颜色由于母体及其环境的不同而异。The colour varies with the mollusk and its environment.

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有一个软体动物,他走着去找一个海参。There was this mollusk and he walks up to a sea cucumber.

这个软体动物以过滤海水捕捉微生物为食。This mollusk feeds by filtering water, catching miniscule animals.

这些额外的时形成的碎片进入软体动物在收获过程。They are formed when extra debris enters a mollusk during the harvesting process.

许多软体动物的壳中,方解石的化学结构与胺基酸形成强固的键结。The chemical structure of calcite in many mollusk shells bonds strongly to amino acids.

鹦鹉螺之眼。这种没有透镜结构的瞳孔更像是针孔相机的孔。The eye of a nautilus mollusk. The lens-less pupil works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera.

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贝壳珍珠层作为一种典型的生物矿化材料而备受关注。Microstructured biomaterials such as nacreous layer from mollusk shells receive much attention at present.

保护贝类种质资源,是使我国贝类养殖业健康持续发展的可靠保障。Conserving mollusk 's germ plasm resources is a reliably guarantee of sustainable development of aquiculture.

我们要研究的文蛤及大部分的软体动物会先制造霰石,再将霰石转成方解石结晶。Clams as well as many other species of mollusk produce aragonite first and then transform the crystal to calcite.

牡蛎与它的软体动物同类蛤蜊一样,外壳能记载经历过的气候情况。Like their mollusk colleagues the clams, oyster shells can keep climate records in the composition of their shells.

珍珠层很早就引起了人们的关注,它是软体动物贝壳中普遍发育的一种结构单元。The nacre is known by people's attention for a long time which is one of the general construction units of mollusk shell.

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参阅相关文献,结合最近的研究进展,对该区的海洋药用贝类资源进行了总结。Refered to related literatures and combined the recent research development, marine medical mollusk in this area was summarized.

对庐山自然保护区陆生贝类的分布与区系进行了分析,并和其它地区陆生贝类的物种多样性作了比较。The species distribution in Lushan nature reserve was described and the fauna of terrestrial mollusk was compared with other areas.

牡蛎是软体动物中非常奇妙的一个种类,他们的生活和习性取决于他们居住的环境。Oysters are a very delicate species of mollusk whose lives and prosperities are measures of the environmental conditions they inhabit.

虽然海兹几年前经常潜水采集野生鲍鱼,但娱乐消遣的目的大于味蕾享受。Although Hayes used to dive for wild abalone years ago, he did so more for the recreation than for any enjoyment of the mollusk itself.

但是,有机锡化合物在防污的同时,对海洋鱼类、甲壳类动物、软体动物和海洋藻类等生物的影响也是非常大的。However, the organotin compounds have very obvious influence on living creatures such as marine fish, shellfish, mollusk and marine alga.

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软体动物现存量以郭郑湖最高,水栖寡毛类与水生昆虫均以水果湖最高。The standing crop of mollusk in subarea of Guozheng Lake, both aquatic oligochaete and aquatic insect in subarea of Shuiguo Lake was maximal.

章鱼是生活在海里的一种软体动物,章鱼有十分惊人的变色能力,它可以随时变换自己皮肤的颜色,使之和周围的环境协调一致。The octopus is a kind of sea mollusk. It has the surprising ability to change the color of its own skin in order to blend into its environment.

当前可以搜寻到的信息包括新近的软体动物门文档、无脊椎动物古生物学文档、轮虫收藏以及加里罗森伯格的软体动物物种数据库等。Currently accessible for searching are the recent mollusk files, the invertebrate paleontology files, the rotifer collection and Gary Rosenbergs molluscan species database etc.