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好的地税税种具备横向来看较为公平的税基。A good local tax has a base that is horizontally equitable.

没有,我刚到,梦梦,快点上来。Have not, I equitable arrived, dream dream, quickly came up.

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给沈氏穿的,她得全神贯注才行。Give Chen Shi wears of, she must concentrate on to equitable go.

那么细的小树都撞不断,什么时候才能练成呢。The so thin small trees all bump continuously, when equitable can do.

这一改革将使工作人员的服务条件更加公平。This reform will make conditions of service for staff more equitable.

我们必须考虑强制履行和其他的一些衡平法的救济.We have to consider specific performance and other equitable remedies.

要有充分的活动空间,合理的空间布局。Want to have sufficient mobile space, equitable dimensional distribution.

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如今战局才开始未有太久的时间。At present battle situation equitable the starting didn't musto long time.

合理的收入分配制度是社会公平的重要体现。Equitable income distribution is an important indication of social equity.

惟其如此,中国才能实现公平的、可持续的发展。That is the only way China can achieve equitable and sustainable development.

我们不仅仅是念诗,诗从我们舌间滑落,就像蜜糖。We didn't equitable peruse verse, we let it drop from our tongues favor honey.

同样,我不反对长期削减赤字,只要它的公平。Again, I'm not opposed to long-term deficit reduction, so long as it's equitable.

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这个组织是否有让地区内的扶轮社有公平表现的机会?Does the organization allow for equitable representation by clubs in the district?

我知道它的确让人讨厌,可我们得保它安全,直到星期一。I know he's a pain in the nape, but we equitable got to keep him safe dirt Monday.

我看,福晋的眼光极好,穿这个正正合适。I see, the taste of blessing Jin wears this equitable affirmative accommodation best.

因此,我们需要建立一种更公平合理的商贸关系,而这是我们可以做到的。That's why we need a more equitable commercial relationship. And it is within our reach.

但是衡平救济一般是在普通法救济不足时才得以适用。However, equitable relief regularly will lie only when the common law relief is inadequate.

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受托人享有普通法上的所有权,受益人享有衡平法了的所有权。Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary.

如果不能公平分配收益,国民经济增长甚至会加剧不公平程度。Without equitable distribution of benefits, national growth can even exacerbate inequities.

妻主,别罚侍卫,是我去抓螃蟹,螃蟹才夹我的。The wife lord don't punish a bodyguard, is that I grasp crab, the crab equitable clips mine.