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我肚子坏了,感觉很恶心。My tummy hurts, I feel nauseous.

你可能感觉恶心反胃。You might feel queasy or nauseous.

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看着这个恶心的食物,我感到很作呕。I felt so nauseous looking at this disguising food.

我头痛、觉得恶心和不停地呕吐。I have a headache, feel nauseous and keep vomiting.

这些乱七八糟的异常让你觉得一阵阵恶心,仿佛喝醉了似的。The whole thing makes you feel nauseous and slightly drunk.

与人共处时感到胃里不舒服,恶心想吐。Feel nauseous or sick to their stomach when with other people.

膏药一开始让他恶心,不过那是唯一的副作用。The patches made him nauseous at first, but that was the only side-effect.

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感到恶心和吃新食品之间,联系变得非常紧密。The connection between being nauseous and eating a new food is very potent.

在术后的第一周里我不能抬起我的脑袋,医疗带来的痛苦让我感觉到恶心。I couldn't lift my head for the first week, and the pain medication made me nauseous.

这部超经典武侠巨作变成了一个恶心的爱情故事,好桑感!It's sad that such a supreme wuxia classic has been reduced to a nauseous love story!

不仅如此,反而会对公交车感到恶心,在火车上推推搡搡,或者陷入堵车僵局。Instead, you are getting nauseous on a bus, jostled on a train, or cut off in traffic.

在我说话之前,我变得很焦虑,令人作呕的,几乎想要掉出眼泪。Before the words were out of my mouth, I grew anx¬ious, nauseous and was close to tears.

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我每天早晨起床后会提醒自己,又要遭遇肿胀、疲倦和恶心的痛苦了。I get up each morning and remind myself that I’m going to be swollen, tired and nauseous.

其他人则伸头专心地看着那堆难看的煮得半熟的肉。Others hang over the nauseous mass of half raw meat while it is cooking watching intently.

你可能会手心出汗,出现厌恶情绪,或只是感觉什么东西不对劲。You may get sweaty palms, a nauseous feeling or just a sense of something not being quite right.

具体情况是这样的,在治疗过程中,心理学家喂他吃一种药,使他变得难受至极,特别恶心。In particular, what happens is he is given a drug that makes him violently ill, extremely nauseous.

我站在酒店门外抬头仰望楼顶,马上开始有些许想要呕吐的感觉。Standing outside the hotel, craning my head skywards to its apex, I began to feel faintly nauseous.

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我站在酒店门外抬头仰望楼顶,马上开始有些许想要呕吐的感觉。Standing outside the hotel, craning my head skywards to its apex, I began to feel faintly nauseous.

实际上这比晨呕更让我厌恶,并且随着怀孕的推移这种情况越来越糟。It actually made me more nauseous than morning sickness and just got worse as my pregnancy progressed.

若您在比赛过程感觉到头昏眼花或晕眩作呕,请尽快要求协助。If you feel light-headed or nauseous at anytime during the race, please do not hesitate to ask for assistance.