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目前这个新时代阴沉沉地来临了。The present day gloomily dawned.

1976年阴郁地过去。The year 1976 went out gloomily.

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“我们遇上了麻烦,”他沮丧地说道。"We are in trouble, " he said gloomily.

人们只是默默无语地看着镜子。People just started gloomily into the mirror.

今夜,我怅坐一隅静静地想你。Tonight, I sit in a corner gloomily and miss you silently.

那个士兵转动着通条,冷冷地向皮埃尔瞥了一眼。And the soldier, turning the ramrod, glanced gloomily at Pierre.

他每天早晨沮丧地认识到昨天晚上的荒唐。Each morning he gloomily recognized his idiocies of the evening before.

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他抓住我了!我的脚在他的嘴里!我完了,我想——凄凄惨惨地。He caught me! My feet were in his mouth! I am lost, I thought gloomily.

它扫兴的在屋里站了好一会儿,然后走到门边,向外望去。For a while he stood gloomily indoors. Then he walked to the door and looked out.

浓雾呈惨黯的紫色,扩大了那个星的形象,好象是个发光的伤口。The mist, gloomily empurpled, magnified the star. One would have called it a luminous wound.

时已立春,兴义早晚的天气仍然阴冷潮湿。It was already the beginning of Spring, and Xingyi's weather was still damp and gloomily cold.

各种蜃景都已消失了,他郁闷地用眼睛扫著笔直的、蓝蓝的海平线。The mirages had died away and gloomily he ran his eyes along the taut blue line of the horizon.

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各种蜃景都已消失了,他郁闷地用眼睛扫着笔直的、蓝蓝的海平线。The mirages had died away and gloomily he ran his eyes along the taut blue line of the horizon.

窗外早已是一片冷寂,只剩几盏路灯黯淡地照耀着街道。Outside of his window, only cold silence remained. A few street lamps lit up the pavement gloomily.

翌日,木犊灰杳沓出门,中午返回,却鼻里眼里透笑。The following day, Mu Du left gloomily. But at noon, he came back with smiles brimming from his eyes.

展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless.

没有培训、缺少监管、艰难维持,一些人耍猾,如何避免?Whithout training, lacking of supervision, gloomily maintaining, some people playing sly, it is inevitable?

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我相信,实际上,相对于靠狠狠地甩帽子发泄的男人,大多数女人更喜欢忧郁的缄默的男子。I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be gloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat.

我相信事实上大多数女人都宁愿男人郁郁寡欢不言不语,而不喜欢男人就像竹筒倒豆子,什么都说。I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be gloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat.

人们总在行程忙碌的度假最后一天收拾行李去机场时感叹“欢乐时光过得特别快”。Making your way gloomily to the airport after an action-packed holiday, it is easy to feel the days have flown by all too quickly.