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禁果味甜。Forbidden fruit is sweet.

禁果最甜。Forbidden fruit is sweetest.

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后妈不准她去。She is forbidden from going.

这在皿煮中是禁止的吗?Is it forbidden in a democracy?

这里禁止这些恶魔进入。These demons are forbidden here.

他们被禁止成立工会。They were forbidden to unionize.

我们可以去参观故宫。We could visit the Forbidden City.

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在梅尔菲森的禁山上。On Maleficent's forbidden mountain.

他们深研进入到禁止里。Deep delved they into the forbidden.

这间办公室禁绝吸烟。Smoking is forbidden in this office.

火器进口是被禁止的。The import of firearms is forbidden.

母后也同意对你的禁令!And Mother has forbidden your return.

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禁止在本室吸烟。It is forbidden to smoke in this room.

这是易燃物品,禁止带上车。Inflammables are forbidden on the train.

怎么有一点儿小故宫的感觉。But it looks a bit like the Forbidden City.

不同种族之间的婚姻是被法律所禁止的。Mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law.

使用氧气时应禁防油类!Oxygen should be forbidden to use anti-oil!

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在公司范围内,均严禁吸烟。Smoking is strictly forbidden in all areas.

第二诫命禁止我们作什么?What is forbidden in the second commandment?

随机网络内绝对不可能会出现集散点。Hubs are simply forbidden in random networks.