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乌尔班纳伊利诺伊州中东部的城市,临近尚佩恩。A city of east-central Illinois adjoining Champaign.

香槟和葡萄酒都为有益消化的发酵食品。Champaign and wine are a good digestive as they are a fermented food.

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香槟在人类当前思想形态中用来庆祝庆典。Champaign is associated with celebration in current human thought-form.

地球在浩淼的银河中巡天遥看,人类在广袤的原野上问星展望。The earth in the galaxy in sky lying in remote see, humans on the champaign vast prospects.

但我之前从未见过她,直到我们的一个共同的朋友在平原市商业中心的一个活动时介绍了我们。I didn’t meet her, however, until a mutual friend introduced us in a bar in downtown Champaign.

通常人们开了香槟会泼洒在朋友身上—就像F1的获奖选手那样。Usually people open the champaign and 'splash' it over their friends – think of the winning driver in a F1 race.

希弗获伊利诺伊大学城市规划硕士学位和区域规划博士学位。Shiffer received a Ph. D. in Regional Planning and Master's of Urban Planning from the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.

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吉尔般建筑公司已完成了在香巴尼市伊利诺伊大学内的、16.4万平方英尺的商业教学大楼的建筑施工。Gilbane Building Company has completed construction on the 164,000-sf Business Instructional Facility at the University of Illinois, Champaign.

河北省东南部黑龙港低平原区,水资源不足是这一地区农业生产的主要限制因素。Inadequate resources of water is the principal contradiction of agricultural production in low champaign area of Heilonggang of east-southern Hebei province.

哥尔德是研究如何增进大脑功能的权威,他是美国伊利诺大学香槟校区的心理学及神经科学教授。PAUL E. GOLD is the leading authority on the enhancement of brain functions. He is professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.

研究人员耗时两年,利用无线电发射机追踪伊利诺伊州的尚佩恩和厄本那南端的猫科动物。We know more about those lives now, because a two-year-long study used radio- transmitters to track cats at the southern edge of the cities of Champaign and Urbana in Illinois.

她在伊利诺大学香槟分校的心理系也有教职,她在那里得到博士学位,自1970年代末起任教迄今。DeLoache also holds an appointment in psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign , where she has taught since the late 1970s and where she earned her doctorate.

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过氧化物理论是由伊利诺伊大学厄本纳-香槟分校生物物理学家克劳斯·斯考尔滕提出的,他不仅是鸟类磁受作用的开拓者之一,也是本文这项研究的第一作者。The superoxide theory is proposed by Biophysicist Klaus Schulten of the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign , lead author of the study and a pioneer in avian magnetoreception.

如果能穿着布鞋踏平山丘,那么我要去踏遍大江南北,把它们都踩成平原,让世界一目了然!If I could, I will hike across the lands, wearing only a pair of canvas shoes, until all the hills and mountains are stepped into champaign , so the world reveals itself in front of me!

并以绕阳河平原农业生态区为例探析了生态安全指标体系。同时研究了生态安全指标体系在生态安全评估和生态环境影响评价中的应用。Taking agricultural eco-region of Raoyanghe Champaign as an example, it studied the application of eco-security index system on eco-security assessment and eco-environmental impact assessment.