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那只狡猾的狐狸灵活地躲避开那群狗。The sly fox nimbly eluded the dogs.

那耗子灵活地顺着马腿爬上去。The mouse ran nimbly up the horse's leg.

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登山运动员们在岩石间攀登敏捷得像山羊。The alpinists climbed among the rocks as nimbly as a goat.

我叫她小心点,不然她就要跌下去,她很灵敏地无影无踪。I bid her be cautious lest she got a fall, and she nimbly disappeared.

现在我已经能敏捷地把头低下,机警地躲过打过来的拳头了。I bad by now become adept at dodging blows and i nimbly ducked my head.

在6个通常的叙述之中,一被一个构成的位置能敏捷地藉着变化。Among 6 common sayings, one by one constitutive location can nimbly by the change.

她说话之间,那高老者已连续出手三次,每一次都被钟灵急闪避过。During her speaking, she had nimbly dodged three successive attacks of the old man.

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一个脸色黝黑的学生打开书,敏捷地把书支在自己的书包盖底下。A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel.

我们需要这样一种能力,它使得我们通过加速高优先级的项目的方式更快地响应商业需要。We need the capability to respond more nimbly to business needs by accelerating priority projects.

沙发整体设计圆润自然,干净利落的简约美感收放自如。The sofa was designed with natural mellowness, its sketchy beauty being nimbly and smartly brought out.

“我可说是有匹马快跑过来了,汤姆,”卫士回答。他放掉车门,敏捷地跳上踏板。I say a horse at a gallop, Tom, ' returned the guard, leaving his hold of the door, and mounting nimbly to his place.

随着裁判一声哨响他就像兔子一样敏捷地跳了起来飞快地向前冲去接着又一路领先跳回接力处。As the referee whistle he like a rabbit leaped nimbly up rushed forward quickly and then leading the way back to relay.

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他抱着琴,漫步上高台,灵敏的挑过一两具尸体,接着翘着腿坐在了高桌上。Lute in hand, he sauntered to the dais, hopping nimbly over a corpse or two, and seated himself cross-legged on the high table.

研究所里每年仪器筛查成千上万的药物,用灵活的机械手测试众多药物成分对细菌的作用。Machines screen thousands of drugs each year, robotic arms nimbly handling plates of compounds to test their effect on bacteria.

“我可说是有匹马快跑过来了,汤姆,”卫士回答。他放掉车门,敏捷地跳上踏板。I say a horse at a gallop, Tom, ' returned the guard , leaving his hold of the door, and mounting nimbly to his place. 'Gentlemen!

猫敏捷地窜到一棵树上,在树顶上蹲伏下来,茂密的树叶把它遮挡得严严实实。The cat jumped nimbly up a tree, and sat down at its top, where the branches and foliage completely hid her. "Untie your sack, Mr."

猫敏捷地窜到一棵树上,在树顶上蹲伏下来,茂密的树叶把它遮挡得严严实实。The cat jumped nimbly up a tree, and sat down at its top, where the branches and foliage completely hid her. "Untie e your sack, Mr."

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部里那般在迷宫也似走廊里窜来窜去的甲虫,他们同样不会给蒸发。The Little beetle-like men who scuttle so nimbly through the labyrinthine corridors of Ministries they, too, would never be vaporized.

跨国公司会将生产转移到其他地方,还是中国公司会灵活地适应自动化并保持令人害怕的竞争者地位?Will multinational firms shift production elsewhere? Or will Chinese firms adapt nimbly to automation and remain fearsome competitors?

一条狭窄的小路穿过这道篱笆墙,林中空地有一座小山丘,她年轻时动作敏捷地爬上爬下。A narrow path crossed through this hedge, and at the opening was a little hill that she ascended and descended as nimbly as a young woman.