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在你的生涯外有特殊的己吗?Hay alguien especial en tu vida?

她没什么特别的个人奢望。She has no especial personal ambition.

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深秋的夜,格外的冷。Especial chilly in the later fall night.

高中女生心理问题值得特别的关注和指导。We should pay especial attention and instruction to schoolgirls.

就个人来说,晚上出去拍照是很特别的体验。Personally, going out at night to photograph is something very especial.

无特殊注明所有的折弯内圆角半径为R0.5。All the inside radius of the bending is R0.5 except especial declaration.

尤其是在动物产品的微生物检验中的应用越米越广泛。Especial the wide and wide using for microorganism assay in animal products.

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那些高品位的人的特权,就是在事物达到完美之时充分享受它。It is an especial privilege of good taste to enjoy everything at its ripest.

此结果对冶金用特型碳化硅砖结构设计有一定的参考价值。These results are useful for structure design of especial sic in metallurgy.

在这个特别的夜晚,王教授就领着大家步入这个亦真亦假的虚拟现实世界里。In that especial evening, Professor Wang led us into the dummy reality world.

同时,还初步总结了中国独特的桂花文化。The especial culture of Osmanthus fragrans in China was summarized primarily.

如果有人问她,她就会说,夏洛特·斯坦霍普是她的特殊朋友。If asked, she would have said that Charlotte Stanhope was her especial friend.

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特别要留意单词的固定搭配和介词匹配。Take especial notice of collocations and how prepositions are used with words.

一个曾经有过人心的活人已经变成专门折磨他的恶魔了!A mortal man, with once a human heart, has become a fiend for his especial torment!

本机主要用于泡绵斜角切片工作,是加工各种特殊泡绵斜角产品的必须设备。It is necessary to manufacturing all kinds of especial foam rubber beveled product.

文章还发现,中国经济重心的迁移存在几个特殊的规律。And we has also found some especial rules on the moving of Chinese economic barycenter.

艾比湖是典型的干旱区湖泊,具有特殊湿地的干旱生态系统。Aibihu Lake is typical arid zone lake, it has arid zone ecosystem of especial everglade.

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坚硬顶煤预先弱化爆破是一种井下特殊爆破形式。The hard top-coal pre-weakening blast is an especial kind of the mine underground blast.

这种可溶粒子的物理学与云和雾的形成关系特别大。The physics of such soluble particles is of especial relevance to fog and cloud formation.

与这些基地相联系的犯罪和环境破坏,尤其令人忧心,他说。Crime and environmental damage associated with the bases were of especial concern, he said.